One of the most needed human traits is courage. The book, Peace Like A River by Leif Enger, displays many types of courage throughout the book and we can learn from them...of why courage is important. Courage is an important trait to have because we learn from it, gain new things, and it’s helping others in need. The first reason of why courage is important is because it can be learned from. How courage is connected with learning is because people with courage and bravery learn from the mistakes that they took on. “‘Why, yes sir,’ I told Elvis. ‘He asked Dad a question. He said, ‘How many times you let the dog bite you, before you put him down?’ And the court did not erupt, nor the jury gasp in wonder at that revelation; only Elvis’s eyebrows …show more content…
In Peace Like A River, Reuben displays lots of courage when trying to shoot down a bird for the second time… “Blind with despair I fired again. The goose had to be out of range; yet somehow it shuddered, went graceless, and made a controlled fall to the ground, some eighty yards away.” (7). Even through Reuben wasn’t confident of shooting down a bird and had failed the first time, he didn’t give up and shot again, and got the bird he was ‘shooting’ for. This takes immense courage to face and go through, especially when it’s something a person loves to do and to learn about. Also, in another part of the book, Reuben gets his reward of helping someone else, “He pulled out two-ten dollar bills and a five and said, ‘You done a good job,’ then patted another pocket and came out with two chocolate bars.” (119). This was earned by the courage and hard work that Reuben did to earn some money and chocolate bars. By doing something good and trying hard; which takes courage; a person, in this case, Reuben, will earn more especially if they work really hard and quickly. This is shown because the man that Reuben was working for, gave extra for the extra effort he’d put
Imagine being too scared to try anything new. Imagine being too scared to take small risks, even if the rewards outweigh the risks 20 to 1. Sitting inside all day and fearing your own shadow is what you would be doing if you had no courage. Courage is extremely important to have, and award winning novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey shows it very clearly. So yes, courage is important, but why? It is important to have courage in order to try new things, help others in need, and change the world for the better.
When I think of Courage, I think of a superhero or a brave police officer, but actually courage is everywhere and in all of us, it’s just hidden in our everyday lives. The book “Jasper Jones” shows some examples of courage in everyday life. Courage is important because it´s the force that pushes us through times where we are really scared and the times where we are really nervous. We need courage in our lives or else we would never go outside our comfort zones and never take risks. Being courageous can persuade someone into doing something they fear.
Courage is important because if you’re not courageous you will not explore new things, get new experiences. An example of courage happens in the first couple of pages when Jasper and Charlie go out to explore late at night into the forest. If they haven’t gone out there they would’ve never found the body
One good example of courage is in Homer's epic poem, “The Odyssey,” when Odysseus enters the Cyclops’ cave. In the epic poem Odysseus and his men enter the Cyclops cave and the text states “We climbed, then, briskly to the cave. But Cyclops had gone afield..." (Homer 157-158). This example demonstrates that Odysseus enters a Cyclops cave and is not fearful. Odysseus enters the cave because he sees treasure and wants to get it for him and his crew. Odysseus chooses to enter the cave even though he knew the cave was the Cyclops home and this demonstrates courage, and this is why the trait should be encouraged. Another good example of courage that sticks out is Newton Knight, who chooses to help slaves even though he lives in the south during the Civil War. In the Editors’s article, “Newton Knight,” Knight chooses to stop fighting for the Confederate Army and goes back to his hometown to help slaves, as the text states “They saw themselves as defending the residents of Jones County from the Confederacy” ( Editors 1). Therefore, this example demonstrates that Knight chooses to fight against the Confederate Army even though he lives in Mississippi. It takes a lot of courage to go up against the Confederate Army even though he lived in the south and almost everyone was against him. It should
We have been asked why is it important to be courageous? In reality there are many reasons, but only few I can explain. We have to be courageous so we can try new things, do something different, or get out of our comfort zone.
Peace Like a River is a powerful novel that is able to incorporate miracles from the Bible and pull them into a more modern day context. Each character challenges the reader to connect to them in a new way. Reuben has lungs so swampy he shouldn’t be living, and yet here he is the main witness to his father’s miracles. Jeremiah is a devoted and caring father whose faith is unparalleled and whose miracles are a bit random. His other son Davy is almost his complete opposite, relying only on his hands and own hard work to create his life. Then Swede has a wild imagination and sense of wonder yet can’t see the miracles that happen right under her nose. As I read Peace Like a River I was filled with awe and wonder with the miracles Jeremiah did, yet when I was challenged by Reuben to “make of it as you will” (311) I was filled with dread as I was reminded of my own blindness that mimicked Swede’s.
There has always been times where everyone has needed courage, sometimes more often than others, and I believe that there are three main reasons to be courageous. I read a book full of courageous acts, called Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, which shares the story about a girl who has scares, making her an outcast. She meets a boy named Eric who is overweight and both are outcasts and later on, he stays fat just so she doesn’t feel so bad about her scars. It is important to be courageous because it helps make people creative, more daring, and overall just better people.
The fine line between good and evil is often blurred in many great works of literature. Its characters often represent the gray area of morality, their thoughts and actions manipulating the reader’s mercy for their afflictions. In both In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje and Peace Like a River written by Leif Enger, it is difficult to distinguish whether the characters are morally good or evil. Patrick from the former and Davy from the latter represent the middle ground, a blending of both moral goodness and evil actions which lends to the moral ambiguity of their characters.
Courage and its benefits “The best protection any woman can have. is courage.” (Stanton). Having courage is so important in so many situations, and it is also a necessary part of life. If people live their lives in fear, they will not go anywhere. Courage is important, but it is also sometimes hard to connect to it.
Courage is important because it inspires people to step out of their comfort zones. Meg steps out of her comfort zone in this quote “ ‘No!’ Meg screamed ‘No!’ But Charles Wallace continued his slow walk forward and she knew that he had not heard her.
The importance of courage is that it helps continue with our story or life. Courage gives us strength and bravery to keep moving on with our life. If we didn’t have courage we would be still and not want to move on with our life. In the book Peace like a River by Leif Enger, Ruben, the main character, has courage to move on and go find his brother. Ruben finds the courage to go to go find work, when Jeremiah got sick and couldn’t support the family. Ruben find the strength and brave to go up to the stand and testify of what he saw during the shooting. Last Ruben had the courage to go and find Davy in the Badlands.
I will explain why courage is important to have today’s world, what Charlie in Jasper Jones did to show courage, and why having courage was essential in the past. It is important to have courage in our lives today because it is crucial to be able to say our opinions and stand up for ourselves and others. In school, for example it could take great amounts of courage for some of us to stand up to others who are being rude or mean to other students. There are also several problems with today’s society. The people that stand up for equal rights, for example need to possess a lot of courage because there are
I feel that courage is important because if we don't teach that courage is a good thing then, we would be stuck doing the same thing everyone else would be doing with only courageous enjoying life and they would most likely control the people that do not have courage. some of the greatest inventions happened on accident and some people discouraged them for inventing, but they still had enough courage in themselves and their idea and made things that would change lives. Also amazing things that changing the course of history happened because people had courage to make a path for themselves and future generation. If we don't have courage it
Peace Like a River is a strong story due to its elaborate and engaging characters, artistic aspect, and its suggestions and belief on faith. Without the faith of God, the Land family would not have had the loyalty to each other nor made the sacrifices they did for one another. Letting God be the guide and savior in their lives, the family would have never found the missing links to complete their family. The sacrifices and loyalty the family has, brought them closer together as one.
Courage is a necessity to overcome fears and achieve a desired goal. Fear is something that exists in all of us. There is no hero or any particular courageous figure that is without fear. Being fearless is not required to be courageous, one simply has to look past or overcome their fears to possess this great quality. When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. There are different types of risks that come about. Someone could risk life or limb, while others risk their reputation. Either risk is serious enough that a person must have courage to endure that particular risk. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage no matter how young,