Applying to join the Peace Corps a mid-twenty year old has required careful thought and consideration but I believe that I am prepared to undertake this rigorous challenge. The Timor-Leste Community Development Program opening comes at a time where I feel mentally tough, professionally experienced and intellectually curious to be a great volunteer. This is a critical juncture in my life and I am prepared through my life experiences to make a positive impact on this planet and also give back to the country that has provided me such amazing opportunities. In college, I spent six months in London. While the language was the same, the culture and academics were polar opposites of what I was used to. I had no choice but to let my guard down, learn more about the world and be secluded from the support that I had back home. I grew tremendously as a student and more importantly as a person through the discomfort of living abroad alone. The challenges faced and conquered during this …show more content…
Shortly after my arrival, my close friend and new roommate passed away in a car accident. My friend was adventurous, caring and intellectually curious. He was someone that I aspired to be and I became depressed when he died. The grievance process taught me that it is important to live deliberately every day and model his philosophy on life. Big Brother Big Sister has been the most rewarding activity that I have partaken in since graduation and I am passionate about my relationship with my little, Ronald. The program has exposed me to individuals with totally different backgrounds and I believe that I have become more patient, open-minded and aware of my surroundings. It is often challenging to motivate a ten year old, deal with their parent(s) and travel to rugged communities. However, after 15 months together, I feel extremely positive about his development and satisfied with my impact in the local
Since birth, a combination of experiences forged in me a unique mindset and determination making me the ideal candidate to attend the United States Military Academy West Point. Four years of education and service as an Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) cadet, together with my service as a member of a Christian mission team, when combined with my legacy as the namesake descendant of United States Army Master Sergeant George LaVance Kyzer, Missing in Action - Chosin Reservoir, Korea, provide me with an unparalleled knowledge of the duty, service, and sacrifice becoming a member of The United States Army commands. Therefore, I am the perfect candidate to represent South Carolina as a nominee to serve this country at the level
Non nobis nati sumus (Not for ourselves alone are we born) Cautions the philosopher Cicero. Over the last several years I have engaged in projects whose sole purpose was to improve the lives of people. As the undergraduate chapter of my career comes to a close, I now look forward to writing a new chapter of service and dedication. I intend to build a foundation of knowledge that will harness my experiences and focus my passion as a member of the Peace Corps. I feel a true calling to serve in the Peace Corps because this program revolves around many of my life goals and aspirations: to travel and learn the native language of the region by integrating into the community, but most importantly, to serve others in a deep and meaningful way.
Adapting to a new environment is challenging for most people who first go abroad to study, so a person must be resourceful and resilient. When encountering numerous challenges, you should find some solutions to overcome it rather than give up. There is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country. You might find that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students who study abroad become explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbor. A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to discover yourself while gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new place by yourself can be overwhelming at times, and it tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations while being able to solve the problems. I believe studying abroad bring me a lot. It not only makes me improve my English but also make me how to solve the problems when I
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a program offered in a number of communities nationwide. The program allows an adult volunteer “Big” and a child “Little” to form a bond. When these relationships are developed, they are meant to have a “direct and lasting effect on the lives of the young children that are involved”. The goal of this program is to allow the children that are participating to know that they have the ability to succeed and thrive. The adults in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program provide the children (aged 6-18) with a “strong, enduring, and professionally supported one-to-one relationship. It is important for these children to have
My experience working with nonprofits, engaging with diverse cultures, and flexibility will all prove to be an instrumental resource for furthering the goals of the Peace Corps. While it is unlikely I will solve all of the world’s issues during my service period, I know I will leave both a positive impact on the community I work in as well as come away better-equipped to respond to the challenges presented by a global
My effort to serve my community have been an immensely important area that I always try to expand on. From my hundred and seventy service hours, I have learned that giving back even in small amounts positively affects the lives of the people involved. My favorite memories of serving my local area is during the special NJROTC ceremonies when I am able to see the wonderful faces of veterans and military families when we present the colors or the veteran with a flag. Through school, I have been able to see the faces of incoming freshmen in my workroom mature into the present sophomores and the students today. In my church, I am apart of the Ushering team which assists with the service every few weeks. Through this, I am able to see the bright
After graduating for college, I plan to apply to help serve in the peace corps. I once read in my french class how it one of the United State Ambassadors got to where he was and it talked about how he helped serve in the Peace Corps and how that opened many doors to him because he was not only able to put the degree in college to good use but how he was also able to work with foreign countries helping show that he had the skills and abilities required to work as an ambassador. This is not the only reason that I would like to help with the Peace Corps however, I just want to help people. In the end that is my overall goal and working with the Peace Corps would give me the opportunity to help. To see what people experience on a day to day living
I expect a great deal from my time with Virginia Commonwealth University Honors College. I enjoy that I will have an adviser that truly cares about my wellbeing and education, and I believe this will help me succeed as I pursue my Bachelor’s degree in Biology. I hope to become close with the faculty and staff of the Honors College as I strive towards my ultimate goal of becoming a Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon. Although I plan to commute to and from VCU for classes rather than stay on campus, the Honors College dorms are an extreme luxury provided to those students that are qualified. I also am ecstatic about the special classes and curriculum that is available to Honors students. I am pursuing VCU in an attempt to further my education, and I believe the Honors College is my best opportunity to do so. I look forward to exploring all the Honors College has to offer, and I hope it will help me to become a better student, graduate, and person all around.
Honestly, I would like to pursue this Freshman Fellowship in the medical field because my main passion in life is to help people. My involvement in helping others ranges from being involved in Key Club by hosting a blood drive to collecting children's books for a local underprivileged public school or being a founding member of S.A.D.D (Students Against Destructive Decisions), were I talking to middle school students about the dangers of peer pressure and how to say no and bringing in a drunk driving simulator for high school students. Beyond school, I volunteer at Lakeland Regional Medical Center in the Emergency Department and helped out in Michigan's Winter Special Olympics. By performing research in the medical field it would allow me
The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly become
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutritional Services is a federal program that provides health care and proper nutrition to low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women during a crucial time for both mothers and babies. The mission of WIC is to “safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.” (Food and Nutrition Service, 2010).
The Master of Social Work Program offered by the SU Falk College is truly attractive to me for many reasons. For instance some objectives motives that make it quite interesting are the option of completing a dual program in Social Work and Marriage and Family Therapy related to my background in Clinical Psychology. In addition is as a certified profession that would give me a wider variety of employment opportunities. Finally offers a part-time study, which is quite convenient when you try to combine family, work, and studies. At the same time are subjective reasons. I would mention the need to develop an occupation which I feel has a meaningful purpose every day; like support our equals. This could be helping, guiding, assisting or just let them know that we believe in their potential, so they could be able somehow to integrate and contribute to our community. In other word the Social Work as a vocation that constitutes a pillar of strength, or an approach
I have applied and would appreciate being considered for the 2017 Student Ambassador Program. I applied for this program because I wish to be a part of more than just classes at University. I wish to be a part of a team that encourages others and solves real life problems that every day people are facing about University, some of which I may have experienced, others I may not, either way I hope to help. During my final year of high school, I went to many open days and lectures and couldn’t make up my mind of what I wanted to do, where I wanted to study and who I wanted to be. Throughout this time all I felt was pressure to finally make a decision, a decision that I thought would affect my future, but instead of deciding I became stressed, because
I have a lengthy history with volunteer work surrounding many of the activities I participated in throughout my life. The brain injury I sustained some time ago seems to come into my life a lot but it has been a major part of my life the last two years. I have a vast interest in sports and a few other pastimes that stand out. I have greatly considered a major in nutrition and that is what I am leaning toward. Although I still feel like I have no idea what I want to do with my life I’m trying hard to find the right thing.
Living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on one's life. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects that living in another country can produce in your personal life.