
Peace Corps Application Essay

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Applying to join the Peace Corps a mid-twenty year old has required careful thought and consideration but I believe that I am prepared to undertake this rigorous challenge. The Timor-Leste Community Development Program opening comes at a time where I feel mentally tough, professionally experienced and intellectually curious to be a great volunteer. This is a critical juncture in my life and I am prepared through my life experiences to make a positive impact on this planet and also give back to the country that has provided me such amazing opportunities. In college, I spent six months in London. While the language was the same, the culture and academics were polar opposites of what I was used to. I had no choice but to let my guard down, learn more about the world and be secluded from the support that I had back home. I grew tremendously as a student and more importantly as a person through the discomfort of living abroad alone. The challenges faced and conquered during this …show more content…

Shortly after my arrival, my close friend and new roommate passed away in a car accident. My friend was adventurous, caring and intellectually curious. He was someone that I aspired to be and I became depressed when he died. The grievance process taught me that it is important to live deliberately every day and model his philosophy on life. Big Brother Big Sister has been the most rewarding activity that I have partaken in since graduation and I am passionate about my relationship with my little, Ronald. The program has exposed me to individuals with totally different backgrounds and I believe that I have become more patient, open-minded and aware of my surroundings. It is often challenging to motivate a ten year old, deal with their parent(s) and travel to rugged communities. However, after 15 months together, I feel extremely positive about his development and satisfied with my impact in the local

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