
Patient Advocate

Decent Essays

I believe that the role of an advocate is a vital component within the nursing profession. Nurses that are willing to fulfill the responsibility of being an advocate can not only help to improve their patient outcomes, but also promote nursing as a profession. As a student nurse, I realize that being willing to be a true advocate for my patients will not always come easy and will be a role that I will continue to develop throughout my entire career as a nurse. A research study conducted by Kerri Kelland et al. revealed that there are eight essential attributes that are crucial for success when assuming the role of a patient advocate. These eight attributes include perseverance, humility, communication, collaboration, scholarly practice, management, professionalism, and passion ( Kelland et al. 2014, 79). The study also found that in order for nurses …show more content…

She actively advocated for both her subordinates and profession and created a work environment that promoted open communication and collaboration between the staff members. As a new nurse I hope that I can communicate the importance of patient advocacy to my peers and student nurses that work alongside me by first being a positive role model in the way that I advocate for my patients. I can also teach the importance of patient advocacy by informing my peers of current research highlighting the need for advocacy in the workplace and essential attributes that every nurse should posses as they learn how to better advocate for their patients. I John 2:1 says, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” I am thankful that as a Christian I have Jesus Christ as my advocate. This should motivate me to show His love by learning how to be an advocate for the patients I care

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