
Pat Hooker's Influence In Early Childhood Education

Decent Essays

Pat Hooker has been teaching her peers, impacting local and state policies, and programs as long as I have known her. In 1998, I began working as a kindergarten teacher’s assistant. Pat was teaching Spanish and French enrichment classes to our elementary students’. Briefly, she taught Spanish to first through third graders and French to fourth and fifth graders. When the school day ended, and the school building was quiet, she would come by my room and teach me new “tricks” she had learned for teaching colors, numbers, and sight words to kindergarten students. She made learning a game for me and in turn, I was able to share the joy using our school’s technology equipment. However, with an ever increasing student population born literally with a technology device in their hands, this appeared to be more of a “sneaky passage into learning” for the students rather than a tough day digging into books. The information was presented in a format conducive to their 21st Century learning style. It wasn’t long before Pat extinguished her desire for teaching foreign language and became eager for the excitement of her own classroom. Simultaneously, she taught sixth grade English for several years. During this teaching episode, …show more content…

A challenging new opportunity presented itself as Pat became the STEM instructor for Davidson County’s newest, most innovative middle school, Oak Grove. While she Incorporated her passion for driving students to reach their maximum potential she became a leader in the teaching community as the EXCEL (encourage, excellence, character, enthusiasm and leadership) sponsor for our PBIS team, a sponsor for the Robotics Team, and promoted numerous fundraisers throughout the entire school year for the general purpose of extending educational opportunities for all the students at Oak

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