
Paraphrasing Intro Essay

Decent Essays

Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing Intro Essay

Q. While writing an essay what similarities would one find when using quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing ones’ ideas or thoughts, what is required to properly cite this information, and why is it imperative; as well as what could one possible face if proper citation is not followed correctly.

While there are many different ways to incorporate the most common techniques into one’s writing, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing is used most often when attributing to the author’s original work. Although the are many similarities between the three forms of writing an essay paper, there are also unique difference as well, one of those differences is …show more content…

Meaning, you come up with your own styles, forms, and facts while covering the main ideas; and points that need to be clarified for better understanding of the main factors. Also, to take away for the main passages, while recognizing the main characteristics, traits; and feature to the original writer by wrapping it up within a tight shell. Another words, give the viewers an open clue as to what they can expect from your writing, what messages your trying to get across; and what you looking for in return. This will open the door to highlighting key points, through the usages of these three method of writing; quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing by informing your audience of your specific intent to your overall writing techniques. By doing this and using proper citing; it will keep you from committing plagiarism; and facing possible hefty fines due to improper citing and quoting your resources. These fines could include the following: Ruin one’s reputation in society, be required to pay a large fine from 100 to over 45,000 dollars; and imprisonment depending on the repercussion of the

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