
Paranoid Personality Disorder In Shakespeare's Othello

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Prabesh Adhikari Mrs. Long-Goldberg World Lit/Comp Honors 1 November, 2017 Othello was a great leader in the battlefield, but that never transpired in his social life as he couldn’t take the lead in his relations. He had frequent suspicions about his spouse and close associates. In the play “Othello” written by Shakespeare, Othello is the main character who goes through many phases during the play. Othello is mainly influenced by Iago but he causes his own downfall as the tragic hero. Othello plays a role of a commander in the army and marries Desdemona in the process of making Cassio his general. Throughout the play, he suspects everyone around him and creates unusual thoughts in his head. Examining Othello’s behavior in the play, he can …show more content…

They often take time to forgive people for small things. Finally ,people who suffer from paranoid personality disorder are jealous at severe levels. They will most likely suspect their spouse to be cheating with insufficient evidence. Othello can be diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder. In the DSM, the criteria for diagnosing someone with paranoid personality disorder includes “Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving him or her, reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events and has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner”. A real life story about a person who suffers from this disorder displayed on Anglefire stated “When we went on our first family vacation he was constantly looking over his shoulder, making comments that he saw people pursuing him or "making signals to one another". In the play, Othello has shown prime examples of the criterias, one example would be when Othello suspected Desdemona of cheating just based on the things said by Iago. Othello furthermore suspected Cassio of sleeping with Desdemona even though Cassio was the general for Othello. Across the play, Othello also finds harmless things threatening like when Cassio and Desdemona were simply talking and therefore thinks Cassio is planning to take over Othello’s throne. Othello takes mild things and enlarges it to

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