
Parallels In A Doll's House Analysis

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Living in a society where people are judged by their roles and behavior based on their gender. Where individuals are expected to behave in a certain way. Living in a society where males and females lives in a separated world. Under certain stereotypes and rules difference for each one. Is the term “Feminism” used wisely? well, think again. Feminism is defined as the belief in or advocacy of women's social, political, and economic rights, especially with regard to equality of the sexes. During the nineteenth century, this term was not commonly used. Women were supposed to follow society's expectations within marriage.They were supposed to be submissive to their husband and obey their husband commands. Women in marriage were treated unkindly …show more content…

Urban, critiques how Nora was affected by gender role, and how gender role was an obstacle to her personal fulfillment. In his critiques he stated that “Most theater productions treat the play as Nora, using minor characters as foils for a leading actress”(Urban). Meaning that theater productions do not consider Nora’s character seriously. Indeed Urban criticizes that Nora chose Torvald by an intellectual rather than an emotional process. Which proof that back then women get married with a man, they even love, just as a cause of how society expected. Then female's feelings weren't into consideration, they have to marry someone they don't love, neither to fit into a social status or because that’s the way they were tough it should be. Urban emphases that Nora was a victim of her gender role “You see, there are some people that one loves, and others that one would rather be with.” She knows that she does not love Torvald, nor he her. However, Nora is really in love with Dr.Rank, “She finds Dr. Rank good company,sexually attractive, and most importantly, a true friend to whom she can open her soul with few reservations”.which make the situation even worse. As cause then women cannot ask for a divorce. Divorce was seen as a moral everyone must follow. Not to mention that Torvald is way older than Nora, Urban says “ She can see that physical attraction will not hold him much longer”. Another hint that lets the reader see that Nora is not truly in love with Torvald, he’s older than her. Besides Nora has morals and respect to herself as Urban says “Other women in Nora’s situation could easily become the doctor’s mistress-Nora suggest to Kristina that some “admirer” might give her presents- but Nora was still feeling a deep obligation to Torvald for having saved her father, and she was, after all, his wife”(Urban). His opinion about Nora, says a lot about her. Although Nora’s not in love with Torvald,

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