
Criticle Analysis of a Doll's House

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Critical Analysis of "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House was a controversial play for its time because it questioned society's basic rules and norms. Multiple interpretations can be applied to the drama, which allows the reader to appreciate many different aspects of the play. This paper examines how both Feminist and Marxist analyses can be applied as literary theories in discussing Ibsen's play because both center on two important subject matters in the literary work: the roles of women in a male-dominated society, and, the power that money has over people.
In Marxism it is believed that a person's thoughts, behaviors and relationships with others are all influenced by the individual’s social class and economic …show more content…

He too equates wealth with happiness when he says "it is splendid to feel that one has a perfectly safe appointment, and a big enough income." (1.70). When Nora mentions that they can take a loan until his raise comes through, he is adamant in his reply that “there can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt.” (1.22). He had also adopted society's values that power depended on money, and debt, which was frowned upon, was considered a sign of moral degeneracy. The dramatic irony behind his words lies in the fact that Torvald would not even still be alive if his wife hadn't gotten into debt, but he does not realize this.
Torvald cares not only about money, but also about his social status and reputation as well. When he finds out that Nora borrowed money from Krogstad with a forged signature, his love for her is suddenly completely gone, and he accuses her of destroying all of his happiness. Even though he is absolutely appalled by his wife's act, he insists that "it must appear as if everything between us were just as before—but naturally only in the eyes of the world"(3.242). Later, however, when Krogstad returns the bond with the forged signature and promises not to tell a soul about what happened, Trovald is suddenly able to love his wife again! He still only cares about himself, and this is portrayed when he jumps for joy exclaiming “I’m saved, I’m saved!” Nora is only an afterthought when it comes to his reputation. Their

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