
Papilloma Virus Analysis

Decent Essays

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the human viruses that people might not be aware that they have. HPV can be present within someone’s body but there may be no visual signs or symptoms. The reason why there may be no signs and symptoms is because the immune system can diminish HPV on its own since it can automatically sense it and clear it out of the body, this happens about 90% of the time. Vast majority of the people having human papillomavirus will be cleared out within two years and have no future problems. The Oral Cancer Foundation states that HPV might be present in human body for many years before it is detected or converted to something worst such as cancer (N. Sathish, 2014). However, there are cases when the HPV will stay …show more content…

Many people may or may not ask because they are not aware of the condition. It is very important for everybody to know of the existence of the human papillomavirus and how it is connected with oral cancer. The only way to prevent HPV is to be aware of the virus and get vaccination especially for young adults. The vaccination has a high effectiveness in preventing HPV in children as states, “Vaccination exists and is 99% effective at preventing the HPV” (, 2013). Therefore young people should be aware and get vaccinated as soon as possible. It is also significant to educate the young as well as the older population about human papillomavirus in order to prevent it. Since parents or even school professors might not be aware of HPV, health professionals such as dental hygienist or dentists can inform and explain the human papillomavirus that is connected to cancer as Jacquelyn Fried points out, “Dental hygienists can address and help reverse this trend. Our proactive involvement in preventive efforts will benefit our patients, attract the attention of the public, enhance our professional visibility and increase our exchanges with other health care providers” (Jacquelyn L. Fried, 2014). If dentists, dental hygienists and other medical staff educate the patients about HPV and how cancer is connected to it, then that information can be spread to their families and this can as well prevent HPV from happening. Other organizations that are non-medical such as the Oral Cancer Foundation are good sources to inform people about HPV and its consequences. Schools as well can be engaged in raising awareness to young people through teachers that can educate them about what HPV is. Those are some of the ways to prevent HPV. Moreover, people can as well pay attention to their mouth and check themselves at home for example after brushing to see whether there are any unusual spots that preserve for a longer period of time. Then they can

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