
Paper On Media Bias

Better Essays

Justin P. Firehammer
Kent State University

Foundations Paper: Media Bias
In today’s world, more people than every rely on the internet as their main source of media and news. With the internet being a relatively new source of news and media coverage, you can still see a bias in the writing and posts. Depending on what website or company posted the story, you will see they put their own slant on it. From this general idea, we can ask the question, how much of a factor does journalism bias play when reporting on a certain story.
Concept of Media Bias
Media bias is the bias or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories that are reported and how they are covered. The term "media bias" implies a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism, rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article. The direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed.
ABC’s of Media Bias
Political campaigns have been a leading cause of media bias throughout the years. Depending on the news network, and the politician, the same story has multiple different takes. A lot of the time it leaves us …show more content…

Where a story is coming from and who is reporting it are two very important things to consider when determining the factual bases of the story. Not all coverage is impartial, though they all claim to be right. When reading a story, the reader should consider looking at a few different sources to determine the facts. Most times it seems to fall in the middle of these different reports. Like witnesses in crime, while some parts of the story will be consistent, there will also be many different takes on how a viewer perceives different events that transpired. The viewer must be able to look past these bias in media and decide for themselves how they feel about what’s happening around

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