
Media Bias Essay

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Is the Media Bias? One problem that plagues us every day without us even realizing is media bias. We see it in the news, our favorite sitcoms and even in the newspapers. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media. The problem is that we don't recognize it when it's in our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? In my opinion, the media plays an important and powerful part in some of our lives. Many people consult their television sets for the news. We form our own opinions on certain issues based on what we've seen, heard, and read in the media. I think that the media's role in political affairs have the power to make or break a …show more content…

Most of the coverage of crime during this period reflected those political interests and loyalties rather than mere facts. The stories were written on a dramatic style more suitable for a novel than a newspaper. Protest of objectivity and accuracy were made, but these were understood to be mere theatrical camouflage for the editorial opinions sown throughout most news stories. The media can be biased towards both liberals and conservatives. Some conservatives argue that liberal journalists tend to attach their own liberal beliefs in the news they report, while liberal journalist insist that they stay neutral and report news without any bias. Others will argue that conservative reporters take minor things, embellish it, or blow it to mythical proportions. According to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken, right- wing journalist used this tactic to cripple Clinton's presidency, discredit Gore, and to put Bush into office. The media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The media often shows its bias, their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public regardless of the public responsiveness. In an article in the New York Times, President Trump called the news media "the enemy of the American people," In interviews around the country Americans of verifying political affiliations,

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