
Paid Time Off (Pto) Policies

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Traditional leave systems separate time off into vacation, sick leave, personal leave, and other types of leave. In contrast, paid time off (PTO) banks typically combine all time off benefits into one cumulative bank of days which an employee can draw upon for any need. The delineations of such plans vary by employer (Lindemann & Miller, 2012). In an organization, employees may receive time off for as compensation benefits. This may include sick leave, personal leave, vacations, holidays, etc. Different organizations have different PTO policies. Paid time off can be defined as any time that is not worked, but is paid. Although these plans are costly to companies, they view these plans as employee friendly. Companies try to offer the best …show more content…

(Cascio, 2013).
Additional information that is needed As the human resources manager, this situation could be very delicate. The merger poses a compensation challenge terms of the listed paid time off policies. Company employees might want to keep their policy paid time off plans, whereas Company B might think their terms were the best. There is the risk of paid time off crisis. In addition to the provided information about the leave policy of the company, there is also a need for information about the number of employees, their levels of work, and their pending off days. Information about their pay rates is also needed. The different companies might have had different pay rates for the same job levels (Smith, 2012). The details about this required information, which has not been provided in the policy plans, could be assessed from their former personnel office and accounting department. The personnel department in this case used to deal with employee compensation data and the accounts department used to calculate these benefits and convert them to monetary terms.
The merging of these two companies also means that the departments of these companies will also need to merge. I would work to merge the paid time off and the traditional systems existing in both companies. This mission for me and transition for personnel is not expected to be smooth as most likely issues are going to occur. These issues could range from

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