
Pa Home Trip

Decent Essays

SC competed home visit with Pa on 1/22/2016. Present at the visit was Pa’s sister who is also his informal caregiver Gilda. The Home was very clean and well keep. All utilities appears to be in working order. Pa reported that he’s experiencing unsteady gait frequently, but he had no falls. He reported that his sister and his niece (primary DCW Giyani Gram dtr of the informal CG) is helping him with meeting all of his ADL/IADL needs. Pa reported no outstanding medical visits, hospitalizations, ER visits, surgeries or changes in medications. Per Pa’s sister his health conditions are stable with very minor physical changed. It appears that Pa’s health is stable and is well managed. The Pa appears to be cleaned, and well groomed. He washing wearing …show more content…

Pa did not appear to have any skin issues from what SC could observed and when SC asked the Pa reported none. Pa receives hands on assistance with most ADLs and IADLS. Pa mostly ambulates with a cane but at the home visit he was walking about the house freely with no assistive devices. Pa report occasional memory lapse-but is capable of participating in the planning and decision making of his care. Pa informal remains intact and supportive. SC reviewed transportation services with Pa and Gilda and they reported using private transportation but would like to use CCT and Logisticare. SC will mail CCT application and instructions on how to register with Logisticare. SC will continue to provide assistance to the Pa to identify alternative community-based sources of transportation. Pa’s needs and goals remain unchanged and Pa reports that services continue to meet his needs. Pa is requesting change to service plan increase in PAS hours PA wants 1 additional hour daily. SC informed the PA and his CG that Pa’s request for more hours is declined because Pa has no significant change in health condition that warrants an increase, furthermore Pa appears to be managing his health needs well. SC then informed Pa of his right to appeal this

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