
PSSA Testing Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Today, all of the middle school students took PSSA testing for the majority of the morning. The students started testing at around 8:00 a.m. Testing concluded at around 11:00 a.m. During the testing period, I planned and placed a bulletin board in the hallway, based on the sources of vitamin D. I also rewrote several recipes using Microsoft word.
After testing, I saw the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade food classes for one period each. The 8th grade class made one batch of chocolate chip cookie batter and froze it. Next week, the students will bake the cookies. Normally, the students need two whole periods to make cookie batter and bake the cookies as well. Splitting the batter making and baking into two separate periods was a smart way to cope with …show more content…

This meant that Ms. Zavada and I would once again; only see the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes for one period. The schedule is quite annoying actually, since every class activity has to be modified now. Today, the classes had the same modified schedule that I described the day before. The 6th and 7th grade classes made strawberry banana fruit smoothies. I taught both the 6th and the 7th grade classes how to make the smoothie. I struggled with teaching the 6th grade class. However, teaching the 7th grade class seemed easier to me. The 7th grade classes seem easier to teach, since they have more cooking experience. Older students can also comprehend directions better. While teaching the 6th grade class, I had to stop several times to address side conversations that occurred in class. This took away from the amount of time I had to teach my lesson. It also required me to address the behavior. I addressed the behavior with the class by stopping the class and asking the students to pay attention to me. Side conversations are often fine in my classroom; however they cannot occur while I am lecturing or giving directions. With the 7th grade class, I did not have to address any behavior

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