
P. Beatty's Essay 'Survival Skills At A School In LA'

Decent Essays

Emotions vs. Reality
In Ann P. Beatty’s essay “Survival Skills at a School in LA”, she writes from an outsider’s perspective explaining the various situations that display the harsh realities of her school community. When the students speak of the situation, the reader connects and opens up to their world while they build trust with the information they are presented with. Beatty’s impactful details create an emotional attachment to the reader while she establishes a lack of authenticity on the subject. The strong emotions Beatty creates materializes from the diversity of the two worlds she experiences regularly while she lives as a middle-class, white, educated woman trying to understand her student’s world. This contrast of society reveals itself during a money collection for a murdered student’s funeral and “all the other students gave change”, while she “tried to remember to bring a twenty dollar bill to school”. As a result, readers become aware of the differences between the two parties while they also develop a sense of sympathy for the students. The small details display the willingness of the students to help a struggling …show more content…

When one of her students is shot, the victim’s sister Angelica comes out and states it was her brother that was shot and, “…he was just shot in the leg. He’s going to be okay.” The girl is emotionally stable and unfazed by this horrific event going as far as to say, “That’s what you get for gangbanging.” In this case the strong diction indicates the common occurrence of this in many student’s lives. It is important to realize Beatty only speaks about these shootings and broken homes while she remains only a witness to these situations and after effects. Looking at Beatty’s perspective on the various issues provokes the reader to thoroughly examine how she could have such personal ties while never being a victim of their

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