
Sanctuary Of School Lynda Barry Analysis

Decent Essays

One of the hottest debated topics discussed all throughout the country is funding for education. Many schools experience budget cuts at the district and state levels. The U.S. government makes tough decisions on where and how the taxpayer’s money should be spent. Americans who rely on the public school system do not support budget cuts. Writers all across the country have the same sentiment. Some of these writers include: Lynda Barry, Sherman Alexie, and Anna Quindlen. Readers of their stories learn about their different experiences and attitudes towards education. Lynda Barry in “The Sanctuary of School”, tells her story of school being the only safe and secure place that she could grow up in. In contrast, Sherman Alexie in “Indian Education”, …show more content…

Today we are glad to have students, parents, teachers, and other members of the educational community join us this evening. I would like to begin our town hall by introducing our distinguished speakers. These speakers have come all over the country to discuss their views on the importance of education. Many of the speakers are well-respected writers who have experiences and knowledge that they can share tonight. Our first speaker tonight is an American writer and cartoonist who has written over hundreds of critically acclaimed pieces including comics. Without further ado, let’s hand this town hall meeting over to Lynda …show more content…

In the next couple of weeks, the state has an important decision on the school budget. This decision not only impacts school spending but it also indirectly impacts the students. I am a teacher and I see the everyday interaction between the school and the students. Thousands of students depend on school to educate them and even raise them, especially when they are neglected at home. As a child, my family support was poor. My parents constantly worried about our financial situation more than me and my brother. “The only place where we could count on being noticed was at school” (1). I was never safe and secure at home because there was no home. The only place on this earth where I felt a sense of security, was with my teachers at school. “[When] I was with my teacher... for the next six hours, I was going to enjoy a thoroughly secure, warm, and stable world. It was the world I absolutely relied on. Without it, I don’t know where I would have gone” (2). The only people in my life who truly cared about me were my teachers. Teachers and the schools change students lives like they changed mine. “We all know that a good education system saves lives, but the people of this country are still told that cutting the budget for public schools is necessary” (3). We must convince people in this world to continue to provide funding for a fulfilling

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