
Overcoming Obstacles In College Experience

Decent Essays

An obstacle I will have to face during my college experience is fear. Fear does not warn or care, it is unexpected and does not leave you alone. It has not only prevented me from being able to speak in front of my class but to even fail classes in the past. There are ways to prevent fear such as being motivated and positive, but fear will always make me second doubt myself.
Fear has not let me raise my hand at times to answer a question even when I am 100 percent sure the answer is correct , just the thought of all my classmates not glancing or probably just looking past me but staring at me, and not even knowing them, gives me the chills. When having to speak in front of the class I get nervous, butterflies in my belly get to me seconds before I stand up, but being attacked by stares is a complete nightmare. Surrounding myself with supportive friends and positive thoughts can help me face my fear but it is not easy in college. …show more content…

Maybe I have finally felt positive about myself speaking in front of others but what also scares me is not getting accepted after all the time it took me to just get out of my chair. It would be lovely to be admired by my ideas and opinions and not get rejected .But there is always that fear that never leaves me alone in which I cannot explain or blame because it is not known and I cannot predict the outcome or what is expected after my actions. That unknown fear if I will score the winning goal at my soccer game seconds before it ends, not being able to predict if I will get to college safe from my house and on time to class. That horrible feeling I have after submitting a quiz and not being sure if I passed or

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