
Ovation Fertility Research Paper

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Meta Description Ovation Fertility is proud of our Nashville genetics lab, which offers our patients PGD using FISH and CCS under the director of Amy Jones, MS.
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Ovation Fertility™ Nashville Genetics Lab

The Ovation Fertility Nashville genetics lab offers comprehensive genetic testing and screening of embryos

Aneuploidy, or an incorrect number of chromosome, is a common occurrence, even in embryos that look normal and healthy. When an embryo with an incorrect number of chromosomes is transferred, it will result in IVF cycle failure, miscarriage or birth defects. To avoid this heartbreak, our Nashville genetics lab is proud to offer a state-of-the-art genetics lab that provides preimplantation genetic …show more content…

• FISH stands for fluorescent in situ hybridization, and it does not test all chromosomes. FISH can only test 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X and Y, because these chromosomes are most commonly associated with miscarriages, failed IVF cycles, and genetic abnormalities caused by advanced maternal age. The testing is 90-95% accurate, and we recommend it for all patients undergoing IVF.

• CCS, or comprehensive chromosome screening, and it has many advantages over FISH. This testing method can screen all 24 chromosomes, and current information suggests that CCS leads to better implantation and live birth rates. Our Nashville genetics lab recommends CCS for patients with a history of failed IVF cycles, recurrent miscarriage or advanced maternal age.

Our Nashville genetics lab can help you get started with PGD

If you’re considering PGD with our Nashville genetics lab, you should first schedule an appointment with an Ovation Fertility partner physician. You will then schedule a consultation or class with the director of preimplantation genetic diagnosis at our Nashville genetics lab Amy Jones,

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