
Otters Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

1. The mission of the Otter Research and Conservation Program is to help the endangered otters and to also study them. 2. If you have found a stranded otter the first thing to report it is: 1) Do not touch the otter. When afraid otters can bite 2) Make sure to keep all pet away from the otter and do not try to contain them. 3) Call any angencies listed for the otters. They will take care of it from there. 3. What is unique about an otters fur is how think it is. The otters coat has two layers and has millions of hairs. 4. The diet of an otter consist of crabs, sea urchins, snails, kelp, mussles and clams. 5. There were about 50 southern sea otters but now there are about 2000 otters. 6. The over fishing has caused Orcas to feed on the sea

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