
Othello's Jealousy

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The play Othello follows the traditional Shakespearean themes of betrayal, death, and love. These themes in the play are rooted in jealousy. Jealousy caused love to be lost, it ended relationships and it innocent people. Iago is the fuel to the fire. He is jealous of Othello’s higher military position as a general. Iago caused problems in Othello’s life by making the general believe that his wife, Desdemona, is cheating on him with Michael Cassio. Iago also plays into Roderigo’s fantasy of being with Desdemona. This play shows how selfish Iago is because he wants to make everyone feel just as miserable as he does, and eventually it works. Iago is a very jealous person who manipulates people to make people do what he wants.

Iago is hiding his …show more content…

Othello let someone who secretly hated him, dictate his life without him knowing it. Othello kills his innocent wife and subsequently kills himself because he allows Iago to influence him. Othello’s actions show that he didn’t make the best decisions. “In the modern analysis, Othello is seen as the master of his destiny. His nobility is ignored and what becomes the object of scrutiny is his behavior and how it is important in his self-destruction”(Zabidi 43-44). Many people who are under Othello look up to him, but his mind is not clear. This quote portrays the issue that Othello does not recognize he has a faithful wife and a deceitful friend. He thinks that his “friend”, Iago, is an honest person who is informing him about his supposedly cheating wife but everything that he is told is a complete lie. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona is a liar because she has been good at lying since fooling her father about her falling in love with Othello. Iago tells Othello to be aware because his wife Desdemona could possibly be cheating since he claims that he doesn’t have evidence at that moment. Othello begins to doubt himself because

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