
Oswald 's Assassination Of The Assassination

Decent Essays

Oswald disturbing behavior leading up to the assassination is the strongest evidence against him. In 1963, he purchased a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, and a Smith and Wesson .38 pistol the weapons used to assassinate President Kennedy and to kill officer Tippet. On December 2, 1963, he left his wife a note giving her instructions on what to do if he was killed or arrested. Then, on April 10th 1963, He shot at general Edwin Walker on. According to his wife, he had been planning to assassinate Walker for two months. He had photographs of Walkers house and had a plan written in a notebook. Then, on April 24, 1963, Oswald told his wife he was going to make an attempt on the life of Richard Nixon. The Warren report was able to provide a strong case against Oswald, but on the other hand, for critics, the report failed to properly examine Oswald’s connections to the CIA and the FBI. Since, the assassination there has been numerous investigations by both the government and critics. The questions about Oswald’s connections to intelligence agencies, and about weather actions taken against Castro had anything to do with the assassination led to an investigation on the assassination by the Church committee. The FBI’s investigation was rushed. Immediately after the Kennedy assassination the President, FBI director Hoover, and the Justice department pressured top Bureau officials to complete their investigation supporting the conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassination. Under

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