
Osteoporosis Research Paper

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Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone disease. It happens when the bones lose a great amount of their protein and mineral content, in particular calcium. This presents an increase in bone fragility and risk of fractures, it is responsible for millions of fractures annually. These fracture are the first sign of the disease, it can affect any bone.

Some causes of osteoporosis are malnutrition, poor diet or low physical activities. However the major cause of this diseases is that the loss of bone mass happens faster than the production of replacement bone. Bones are in a constant state of renewal, new bone is made and old bone is broken down. When we are young , our body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone and our bone …show more content…

In the advanced state of the disease a fast movement of even a hard sneeze can fracture the bones.

There are numerous factors that can increase the probability of developing osteoporosis, such as lifestyle, age, race and medications used before. Osteoporosis can go undetected for decades until a fracture happens, this is why it is important to detect it in the early stages. If there are signs of osteoporosis, doctor will go in depth in the patient record to see what kind of medication, lifestyle or if they have loss height in recent year. However the most secure test to find out if the disease is present is a bone mineral density test which helps determine which prevention or treatment are needed.

There are severals treatment to treat osteoporosis, all of them are base on slowing bone loss and increasing bone mass. Most of the treatment come with a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. After being diagnosed with osteoporosis the patient should make major changes in their lives, exercise or any kind of physical activity are highly recommended. A healthy diet low in fats and high in calcium rich foods, together with ingestion of supplements like calcium and vitamin D are a fantastic way to reduce the rate of bone

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