
Osteoporosis Is The Most Common Disease Of The Skeletal System

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Abstract Osteoporosis is the most common disease of the skeletal system that points out a decreased bone mass and as a result produces an augmented risk of fractures which identify the main cause of clinical disease. Often, it is called the silent disease because bone loss occurs silently, gradually and without symptoms until the first fracture originates. Worldwide, osteoporosis is seen as a global health problem affecting more than 200 million people (International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2014). Specifically, 1 in 3 women over age 50 suffer bone fractures in contrast to 1 in 5 men (International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2014). Of course, the prevalence of broad scope of osteoporosis is higher in women who represent 80%. On the …show more content…

Due to the fact that Greek population was classified by World Health Organization (International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2014) in the first position for smoking among European countries, the researchers consider that smoking could be related to an elevated risk for osteoporosis development, particularly in primary care population. Consequently, this study was intended to investigate the incidence of factors related to a risk for osteoporosis and to assess whether smoking habit is associated with an increased risk for Osteoporosis in Primary care population aged 45 years and over. The secondary objective was to explore possible variances between males and females. Study Design and Sampling The purpose of conducting the research was made explicit. In this study researches carried out a pre-screening test for Osteoporosis in two Primary care settings during a 3- month period (April to June 2013) in the island of Crete –Greece. They enrolled patients who visited the specific settings for any reason and were willing to be involved after the oral interview by researchers for the procedures of the study. Analytically, patients with preceding diagnosis for osteoporosis and aged less than 45 years were omitted from the study. Lastly, 470 self-administrative surveys were distributed and, a total of 400 questionnaires were fully completed and included in the statistical analysis which represents an

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