
Oskar Schindler's List: Natural Law

Decent Essays

Ethics Assignment---

Natural Law –

A movie that illustrates Natural Law is Schindler's List. The movie is about how the main character, Oskar Schindler, a greedy Nazi German Businessmen in World War 2 saved the lives of many Jews who were meant to be executed in Nazi concentration camps. After joining the Nazi party primarily and ready to make a fortune, Oskar realized that every one of the Jews is actually a human being. (In Nazi Germany, Jews were considered as animals) Although his factory was ready to be turned into a concentration camp, Oskar spent his money to protect his factory and the Jewish worker. He realized that Jews were also humans who had the right to live their lives. Oskar puts his own life in danger, to accomplish this …show more content…

This other form of law is called natural law. Today, human rights are believed to have been formed by from natural law. Natural law often founded on the following basis: Logos, God, reason, nature, human conscience. In this example, it is clear that Oskar

As the Nazi persecution of the Jews continued, Schindler established an internal dislike for the Nazi regime. He may have not realized it at the time but slowly, his conscience lead him to develop a sense of mission. He gained the intent rescue as many Jews from the Nazi death camps and did this against the strict Nazi laws. This is a prime example of his conscience leading him to the path of natural law, because he put himself in great personal danger. It demonstrates how natural law can go against socially constructed and enforced laws based on one’s conscience.

Egoism …show more content…

Ethical egoism is the belief that people should act according to what is in their own personal interest and should prioritize themselves over other people. An ethical egoist has only one duty in life and this is to promote their own interests and this is their one and only obligation. There is a point in the movie where Peter Parker no longer wants to help the New York citizens because he wants to accomplish personal goals. Ethical altruism on the other hand is the belief that an action is morally right if it ultimately results in the consequences being beneficial to everyone other than the person doing the action himself. By the climax of the movie, Peter Parker realizes that the must act for the good of the society, even if it means that he can no longer accomplish personal

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