
Original Sonnet Explication: Poem Analysis

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Original Sonnet Explication Through the literary tools used in Triangles, the theme that love happens by fate and can not be controlled, is seen throughout the Sonnet. To begin, throughout the whole poem the author uses the literary device of personification. The triangle is personified, along with the points of the triangle. For example, line seven, “While that point is in love with another” (line 7) is a clear example of this literary device, for a point in a triangle can not love, and does not have feelings. Also, later in the sonnet, the triangle is said to want to be joined together, and a triangle can not want/desire anything. In this sonnet, personification is important to show the meaning of the poem. It shows how the triangle is a representation of a love triangle …show more content…

While reading through the sonnet, it can be noticed that the punctuation changes during different lines. Each punctuation presents different ideas that help the reader understand the lines. In the whole sonnet there is only a few sentences. Each of these sentences prove a different point about love and fate. For example “But the decision is not up to them.” (line 9) on line nine, or the volta, has one line with a period. This period determines that there is no way to change the idea, that the decision is not up to the people/points on the triangle. There is a saying “period, end of story” when someone says something that will not be changed. It is the same in this case, the writer wanted to make it clear to the reader that love and fate are the only ones who are able to decide. This also goes for the next line “It is fate and love that decides what’s next.” (line 10). This line makes clear that only love and fate decide, as explained above. Although they are a small addition to the sonnet, this punctuation presents important messages to the reader about the truth about love and

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