
Essay on Poem Analysis – Sonnet 116

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Poem Analysis – Sonnet 116

‘Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds’

Study the first 12 lines of the poem. Discuss how Shakespeare makes a statement in the first and second lines, and then use lines 2-12 to give examples which supports his viewpoints.

In the first two lines of the poem Shakespeare writes,

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments: love is not love

The first line shows that he thinks you should not marry unless you are faithful. He says ‘let me not’ which means that he does not approve of the untrue or unfaithful minds marrying. The second line means that there will be obstacles in your way and you must be willing to face or overcome them. Otherwise ‘love is not love’, or you will …show more content…

This continues Shakespeare’s idea of being faithful and then continues to think about the other person. He uses the word ‘remover’ as the one who falls out of love which emphasises the fact that it is their fault and they are the ones being unfaithful. This could also be used as an example of one of the obstacles, which Shakespeare explains exists in the second line.

In the next two lines Shakespeare explores love being there forever.

O no, it is an ever fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken

Here he starts to use metaphors to explain his viewpoints on love. In the first of the two lines he uses the word ‘mark’ which means buoy to show that the feeling of love does not change or move. He then says that love faces ‘tempests’ or storms and is still never shaken. These lines are a contrast to the last two as they now show love never changing. The next lines show how faithful you can be and that true love will always come through.

It is the star to every wand’ring bark

Whose worth’s unknown, although his height can be taken

A metaphor is used here, love is the star to a wandering ship. It guides you and gives you direction. Also it means that you always follow it or always go back to your true love and also gives the idea of life and love being a voyage or journey. The second line means that love has no worth, it is priceless although it can be measured. This continues to expand Shakespeare’s ideas on

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