
Organisational Behaviour

Satisfactory Essays


Lecture Map: We Are Here... Lecture Map: We Are Here...
Individual •Biographical Traits •Personality •Values & Attitudes •Ability Group •Communication •Other Groups •Conflict •Power & Politics •Group Structure •Work Teams •Leadership •Decision Making Organization •Culture •Structure •Design •Technology •Work Processes •Selection Processes •Training Programs •Appraisal Practices

Lecturer: Cheryl “Nyahra” Gittens

•Perception •Motivation •Individual Learning •Decision Making


Lecturer: Cheryl " Nyahra" Gittens


The Motivation Process

What Is Motivation?
The processes that account for an individual’s willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the …show more content…

Existence needs are similar to Maslow’s physiological and E it d i il t M l ’ h i l i l d security needs. Relatedness needs are those that require interpersonal interaction to satisfy (prestige and esteem from others). Growth needs are similar to Maslow’s needs for self‐esteem and self‐actualization.



Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Concepts: More than one need can be operative at the same time.
Core Needs

Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Need Growth Needs Progression Need Regression

Existence: provision of basic material requirements. Relatedness: desire for relationships. Growth: desire for personal development.

If a higher-level need cannot higher level be fulfilled, the desire to satisfy a lower-level need increases.

Relatedness Needs

Existence Needs
15 16

Herzberg’s Two‐Factor Theory
– A theory of motivation based on job satisfaction. • A satisfied employee is motivated from within to work harder. • A dissatisfied worker is not self‐motivated to work. • Conclusion: Enriched jobs are the key to self‐motivation. – Dissatisfiers: factors

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