
Oppression In The Handmaids Tale

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The handmaid’s tale uses the oppression of women to bring out flaws in societies that undervalue women. The Handmaids tale tells the story of a captured woman, forced to be a handmade for surrogate births. Her position is looked down upon by the society she is striving to create. Without the surrogate mothers, Gilead’s society would deplete. The only sex allowed is marital sex and in this setting, most of the men have gone sterile. The tale depicts the daily life and hardship of the handmaids and women’s lives, while showing their importance to society. The story begins with the main character describing her surroundings; she’s in a gym sleeping on a cot. There are other women around her and outside there’s what used to be a football field. …show more content…

Moira was her name, she faked being ill and offered the emergency responders sex for freedom and was immediately reported. Her feet were beaten with meatal cords; the first punishment is beaten feet, then beaten hands, because the only important aspect of the handmaids’ bodies is their uteri. Offred finds a quote scratched into the floor in her closet, obviously Latin: Nolite te bastardes carborundoru, she can’t understand it. She fells a connection to whoever wrote the phrase and steals a flower from downstairs to put under her bed. On her way back she senses someone’s gaze and spots nick. Without speaking they kiss and when Offred pulls away nick explains that the commander sent him to ask for her company in his office tomorrow. The commander and Nick are violating many rules by setting that …show more content…

Two handmaids and a wife are hung, and a man convicted of rape is beaten to death. Ofglen beats the man’s face is first thing with her feet, Offred refraining from kicking the already dead man asks why Ofglen did so and she explains he was a part of her underground group and she wanted to put him out of his misery as quickly as possible. Ofglen is replaced the next day, Offred slips the code “mayday” into a conversation and the new Ofglen is aware of the underground group and suggests that Offred forget the “echoes of the past” and pay attention to the present. Later new Ofglen explains that the original Ofglen hung herself when she saw the van of the “eye” coming to her house; she figured it was better than letting them take her alive. In that moment Offred decides she’d change and live by the rules to avoid death. Her fear of being punished or killed overrides her drive to be happy and entertained. When Offred gets home she’s summoned by Serena and she sees she’s been discovered. Serena holds the cloak and sequin outfit and claims Offred is a slut and should go down like the last girl did! Offred contemplates suicide alone in her room, she wonders if she can get the strength to kill herself before the authorities exile her. Before she knows it a black van with an eye painted on the side pulls up to her commander’s home, she regrets not killing herself. Nick bursts in and convinces her that the

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