
When Was The Handmaid's Tale Banned

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Parents typically don’t want their children reading in depth books about sex; however, The Handmaid’s Tale offers great fictional examples that teach sexism and the mistreatment of women, yet these examples can lead some in the wrong way. Therefore depending on the view in society, The Handmaid’s tale should be banned or kept to certain areas of the world because of the unfair treatment of women.
The Handmaid’s Tale is about Offered as she shares her thoughts and experiences in a journal-like form and provides some advice. Offred is a lower class female who has been taken from her husband and daughter at 5 years old to be a handmaid for the red commander at the red center. The point of this center is to reproduce with the Commander …show more content…

She did. She did.” If this isn’t a blatantly obvious example of sexism I don’t know what is. Examples of this happen every day in the U.S. and it is because of the views of some that sexism still exist and Margaret Atwood is just bringing this to life in The Handmaid’s Tale. This Aunt is straight up telling the girls that when a male forces himself onto you. This yet again influences young girls it is your fault no matter the circumstance if a female gets raped, clearly proving the theme that women are treated unfairly.
Another colossal reason for banning The Handmaid’s Tale sexual content. Just about every chapter of this book contains some sort of sexual content so there is no question why some schools ban it because of this reason. Not everyone wants to read a book as sexual as Fifty Shades of Grey. Offered often goes into detail about what she calls “the ceremony” in saying “Below is the Commander is f***ing. What he is f***ing is the lower part of my body” (Atwood 94). Offered describes the Commander having sex with her while she lays her head on the Commander’s wife’s pelvic bone. Offered uses the f word to describe this act because she says she had a choice to it so she can’t call it rape and it is a one way action so cannot be called sex. Obviously this is a great example of sexual content that happens to all of the maids and

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