
Online College Is Better Than Traditional Classes

Satisfactory Essays

There are lots of people who wants to go to college but can’t because they have other responsibilities. Some people fail to realize that college and high school is very different. For example, the teacher is not going to pressure you to come to class. In college you are more independent than you were in high school. Some people says online classes are hard other say they are easy. There are those who likes to attend on campus to talk to the teacher afterwards. Others who suggest online classes for less face-to-face interaction. Some have other things to tend too. For example, someone might have to fix their car or just want a day off. In my opinion I would have online classes are better than traditional classes.
I have seen people pay for classes and not come to come. Online classes are for someone who can’t make physically present on campus. There are some classes that you can’t miss over 10 days and if you do it’s a possible of you failing. For example, A student might be the caretaker of a fifty-year-old who can’t walk. The student would have to be at home to make sure that the fifty-year-old is fine. The student can be …show more content…

The student will have access to the computer or internet wherever and whenever. If the student feels like it’s too much they can always drop the class or classes. At times the student may need a little motivation, but it shouldn’t make them give up. Some say that online classes are automatic setting yourself up for failure because you’re not in a classroom. I disagree with that; Online classes is required for you to read a little more and following the directions. Online courses allow students to learn on their own. The student should be checking their assignments daily if they don’t understand than they should contact the teacher. For example, if they are checking every day when they do contact the teacher they should have a response before the due

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