
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Medical Experiments Essay

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During the Holocaust, many innocent people were killed at the hands of the Nazis. Although this was a horrific event, some people suffered a fate even worse than death, medical experimentation. Most of the time, these medical experiments resulted in the death of the subject, but some lived. Even though they survived, they were almost always left in excruciating agony and most of the time disabled. The doctors who performed these experiments showed absolutely no mercy and tortured, mutilated, and murdered men, women, and children. The medical torture they orchestrated makes the forced lobotomies and shock therapy seen in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” pale in comparison. One of the main goals of the medical experiments was to research different …show more content…

Subjects were placed in an airtight chamber that simulated up to 68 thousand feet in altitude, nearly twice as high as the earth’s atmosphere. The pressure was then raised to simulate a descent to the earth.( Many subjects died in these experiments, however it was usually not the altitude itself that caused the subjects demise, it was the change in pressure. Much like when scuba divers ascend too quickly and get what is known as “The Benz”, humans cannot withstand such a change in pressure. These experiments were conducted to see how a German pilot would fare if they were forced to eject at extreme altitudes and determine what altitude it was safe to eject from. Clearly, 68,000 feet was not a safe altitude. Another one of the main goals of the experiments was to research and/or treat certain diseases and test medical procedures. Nazi doctors did things such as inject the subject’s lungs with tuberculosis bacteria in order to see if any of the subjects had a natural immunity to it. As a result, around 200 people died. In order to hide this from approaching allied forces, ( Dr. Kurt Heissmeyer had twenty children hanged rather than allowing them to die from

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