
On The Internet, There Is No Place To Hide By Jonathan Koppell Summary

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In Jonathan Koppell’s essay, "On the Internet, There is no Place to Hide," he argues that there is a complete elimination of electronic privacy worldwide. However, Koppell fails to realize that the Internet has completely changed the way people communicate, do business, learn, entertain, shop, and do just about anything in today’s world. The Internet has revolutionized the way the world does business on both a local and global level. From recruiting employees to gathering data on the competition, the ways businesses utilize the Internet are numerous, as are the benefits of the Internet to the business community. Businesses can now market a product from cell phone contracts to books to anyone through E-commerce websites. Online selling eliminates …show more content…

People no longer need homes, offices, or cafes to stay in touch with people; they can do it wherever they happen to be. Communication is now faster and easier than ever, making it much simpler for the recipient to search, share, and spread information. On top of making long-term communication easier, the Internet is filled with information about anything and everything, on almost every subject imaginable. Data is now in the hands of an individual, with up-to-the minute news, copies of important documents and photos, and collections of research information on topics ranging from weather conditions to population statistics. The Internet has positively shaped the world by creating economic opportunity, providing limitless communication, and access to …show more content…

Engaging in various forms of social media is a routine activity that has shown to benefit children and adolescents by enhancing communication, social connection, and even technical skills. Social media sites such as Facebook offer multiple daily opportunities for connecting with friends, classmates, and people with shared interests. This expansion of one’s online connections through shared interests to include others from more diverse backgrounds is an important form of communication for all adolescents and increases the opportunity for respect, tolerance, and increased discourse about personal and global issues. The news media and critics are filled with horror stories about young people and the Internet taking over physical communication, but what is often overlooked and not reported are the benefits that technology and Social media have in building and enhancing social-emotional skills. Young people are socializing with peers, investigating the world, trying on identities and establishing independence, but now they are just doing so using the Internet and social media. The Internet allows people to learn and help them obtain a better understanding of what they want to be in life as well as how to achieve it. Social media thus allows young people to freely express themselves to their peers and take part in organized

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