
On The Dunwich Horror Summary

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Annotated Bibliography

Burleson, Donald R. “On “The Dunwich Horror”.” New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft (2013) 105-116. Print.

The author meticulously breaks down the Lovecraft’s most profound fiction, “the Dunwich Horror”. According to the article, the “Dunwich Horror” is broken down into critiques, the structure of the hero monomyth that is being used in the fiction, and the possible reasons behind why Lovecraft would use the theme of good versus evil, which he criticizes as “philosophically naïve and wearisomely mundane. Even though article focuses on one of many Lovecraft’s works, the Burleson’s unbiased attitude was praise worthy and strengthened his essay by utilizing other critiques criticisms on this specific work. For the purpose of my paper, I will be utilizing the criticisms found in the article as how Lovecraft’s works are criticized by literary critiques.

Jones, Mark. “Tentacles and Teeth: The Lovecraftian Being in Popular Culture.” New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft (2013) 227-248. Print. …show more content…

According to the article, many literary works influenced by the Chtulu Mythos, one of most profound Lovecraft’s works, have been criticized as “works of uninspired and dismissive imitator”. Also, the author argues that lack of Lovecraft works adopted films are because of the mood of bleakness and absolute despair is hard to capture. None the less, the Lovecraft’s works have influenced many other creative works, and still influence to this day. For the purpose of my paper, I will be utilizing the article as a source on the influences the Lovecraft had on other creative works, and the

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