
Compare And Contrast Wuthering Heights And Frankenstein

Good Essays

1. Introduction
The following piece of writing will explore factors of a gothic novel. It will exclusively do so in regards of the two novels Wuthering Heights and Frankenstein. These very famous novels will be looked at in a very in depth piece of writing. Each novels main themes and their background will be presented. The morality and the gothic novel with specific reference to Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights will be assessed. The second aspect will be the social and cultural of the genre, the genre being the gothic novel. Thirdly, the monster as punishment and the punishment of the monster in both novels. The final aspect that will be analysed is the constructed nature of boundaries in both texts.
2. The Novels
2.1. Wuthering Heights
This novel was one written by Emily Bronte in the 1800s and it was a very famous novel. This novel was based in the town of Moor. This novel is a novel that is narrated throughout and has many ups and downs with many events that might …show more content…

He used different body parts of dead people to create the crazy monster. What changed the monster to be vicious was the fact that he was left alone and made to cope on his own because his master had left him behind. This monsters appearance also made him to be as angry and vicious as he turned out to be. What critics ended up arguing is if the monster was made to be very angry and mean or he was created that way. The surrounding factors of the monsters surroundings was believed to be the reason behind his anger and violence. This is evident in the novel where the monster camps outside a house and learns how to interact with humans through watching how they behave and learning their speech. This is a sign that the monster wanted to be one with the people and not be an outcast but he was battered and beaten when he tried interacting with the family. This was the final straw that set the monster

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