
Old Testament Essay

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Old Testament Essay In the Beginning: At the beginning of the universe. God created heaven and earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During those six days God spoke to the darkness and created the world, brought forth light, created the sky, land and animals and plants to inhabit them. However, even during this creation he was contemplating the creation of a being made in his own image. He created man from dust and named him Adam, but Adam was lonely; so God took from Adam a rib. With Adam’s rib God created a woman and called her Eve. Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden to live in harmony with God. The garden was a perfect utopia for Adam and Eve. However, evil soon entered the garden in the form of a serpent. One day when Eve was walking in the garden she encountered the evil serpent who encouraged her to take a fruit from one of God’s forbidden fruit trees. The serpent succeeded in deceiving Eve to take a fruit; she then ate the fruit and shared it with Adam. Then God became angry with Adam and Eve for betraying Him. To punish Adam and Eve, he ejected them from the garden and subjecting them to mortality, painful childbirth, sin and shame. Now that Adam and Eve had entered into the world outside the garden they were left to fend for themselves. They had two sons Cain and Abel. Cain became a farmer and Able became a herdsman. They both offered God a sacrifice but Abel’s sacrifice

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