
Ojibwa Tribe

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The Ojibwa tribe is the fourth largest Native American Tribe in the United States. They lived in Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The majority of the tribe live in Canada near Michigan. Ojibwa language is called Algonquian. Ojibwa is also known as Ojibway, and Anishinabe, but mostly known by Chippewa. The name Chippewa was created by Europeans, to describe the Ojibwa tribe. Since the Ojibwa live mostly in the UP of Michigan the climate there were very little farming due to the cold weather. A band is to be a group of Native Americans who share the same culture and territory and to be considered to be a self-government. In this band were family groups: A man, his wife, children plus extend family. Member of the band were free to come …show more content…

Some girls are given for marriage as a form of payment. Also some marriages were arranged. Ojibwa women take on many responsibilities for their band. Women are responsible for food preparation, pottery and basket ware. Women would make their own baskets to use in food care. The woman was also responsible for the lodge. Women chop wood, fish, harvest rice, and gather barriers and cedar bark. Women were able to leave their …show more content…

Some parts of the Ojibwa tribe would fish all year. Nets was the general method for fishing. The Nets were made of nettle-stalk twine. They also created bows and arrows for hunting. The bows were made of hickory and twine as bow strings. The size of the bow was fit the stature of its owner. The Arrows were always decorated with green or yellow paint with feathers and would have a sharp bone as the tip of the arrow. An arrow can travel up to 500 feet. In the winter the tribe would hunt gained. In the spring women and daughters would use maple groves for collecting sugar. In the summer the band would move to fishing sites on the lake. Also some gardening, gathering of wild berries and collecting wild rice were done at this time. Usually the same band would go to the same gardening and fishing site every summer. The Ojibwa people created many forms of tools, such as a pair of bone weaving needles. Bone weaving needles are made out of bones and are flat and speculate shaped with a hole in the center. These needles were used to make rugs, mats and blankets for comfort for the wigwam. Bags were made out of skin from a moose. Ojibwa build canoes for fishing and trading. The canoes were made of birch

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