Ogden Nash was born on August 19th, 1902. Being born in Rye, New York, he lived a fairly regular life except his father’s job had them moving around quite a bit. Edmund Nash, Ogden’s father, was a real estate developer. Ogden also had a mother, Mattie Chennault. An ancestor of his was a past governor of North Carolina. At the age of six, Ogden took a large interest in poem writing. He began to write down lines and poems in his free time. At the age of 14, he started keeping a journal of his poems. Ogden attended St. George's School and eventually became an alumni there. He was later accepted into Harvard University until he dropped out of the
Peter was born on Febuary 12, 1790. Peter was a fur trader and an explorer. He was the son of Justice Isaac Ogden. Peter was born in Quebec Canada. He was married twice. He married two Native American women both times he's been married. He even learned how to speak their language. During his lifetime he mostley spoke in French. People voted for Peter to be the leader of Snake River County. Peter came to Utah in 1824 and stayed here for a while, but after his traveling in different states and places, he never came back to Utah. Peter was also part of the Hudson's Bay company. His parents were loyalists. They fled to Canada form New York. People caled Peter the chief trader, and he was also a mountain
There are many historical sites in Albany, Georgia. When visiting the city, you may be wondering where to start. Well, why not start at the welcome center? If you're a history buff, there's no better place to begin learning about the history of Albany.
Nat Turner is one of the most confusing slave escapee figures in American history, and literature. October is the month that marks the date of his birthday and his capture as leader in one of the United States’ most famous slave rebellions.
George Washington is seen, to the general public, as a larger than life figure. As a society, Americans have a tendency to view him as a legend, even to the point of creating stories that tell us false stories about his childhood and adulthood. Myths are taught to us from a young age about how the very first president had wooden teeth, and that he was somehow so pure that he could not tell a lie, and that he had such magnificent upper body strength that he threw a silver dollar across the Pontiac. George Washington was both an experienced military leader and a strong political leader, but in which field did he have the most impact?
Salinger had a very impactful yet transient writing career. After analyzing the dates of his first release and his last release, the time span only comes to 26 years. It is weird to think that Salinger’s writing career did not even fill one-third of his overall life. All of Salinger’s short stories were published and produced in commercial magazines. His first story, “The Young Folks”, was published in Story magazine in 1939 thanks to his teacher Whit Burnett, founder and editor of Story magazine. Salinger worked his way up the magazine chain, and eventually found himself at the top, The New Yorker (Telgen). By 1948 with his short story release of “A Perfect Day for Bananafish”, Salinger was producing exclusively for The New Yorker (“J.D. Salinger”
Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. His parents got divorced when he was a child and his dad dad moved to Mexico shortly after. He was then raised by grandmother who took care of him until he was thirteen. When he turned thirteen he moved to Illinois to live with his mom and stepdad. Hughes started writing poetry when he moved to Illinois. He graduated from high school in Cleveland, which is where his family eventually resided permanently. After high school, he lived in Mexico for about a year and traveled to Africa and Europe. Hughes also attended Columbia University for a year after his dad agreed to pay for his college. Hughes dropped out after facing discrimination at the school, although he did love living in Harlem. He has mentioned that his major writing influences were Walt Whitman, Carl Sandburg,
Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, biographer, and historian. He is best known for his famous short stories that include “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle” (listverse, 2015).
“The best thing about my job, though, is stopping at the end of the day and rejoining the human universe.” Orson Scott Card. Known as one of the best fictional writers to exist, Card brings people into a whole new world with his novels (Enders). Card’s life is full of ups and downs and he experiences a broad range of different experiences. Card’s life includes many different aspects via his biography, the time of which he lives in, and what impact he has left on the world.
John Keats was born October 31, 1795 in Central London. His parents were middle class but didn’t have the funds to send him to a higher public school. So Keats went to John Clarke’s school located Enfield.
Herman Melville is an author from America. He was born on August 1st, 1819 in New York City, New York. At first, his family lived a pretty good life, but afterwards, his father’s business failed. Later on, his dad passed away. So, his brothers, sisters, and Melville started to work. Melville worked as his eldest brother’s partner in the fur and cap business. In the mid-1830s, Melville became a student at Albany Classic School, where he began to write. Around the same time, Herman got a teaching job, but he left the job quickly. In 1837, the fur and cap business failed; he took part-time jobs and attended Lansingburgh Academy. Later in 1839, Melville became a crew member of the St. Lawrence. From then on, he went on different voyages for around
“The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use.”(Washington Irving) Washington Irving was one of the greatest individuals during the Romantic period, writing many stories that we all know and love. Washington Irving led a fascinating life with many honors and titles from all over the world. Though writing is what has ended up giving him his name, Irving did many amazing things during his lifetime.
In history, there have been many amazing and horrible figures that have lead countries to positive and negative events. My favorite historical figure is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because of his patience, persistence, and passion. He organized peaceful protests, pointed out unjust laws, and remained relentless in his cause. My least favorite historical figure is Adolf Hitler for his demanding, controlling, and judgemental personality. He had a horrible fixation with power, forced oppression on the Jewish community, and he oversaw autocratic policies that resulted in millions of deaths. Although there were many other figures that are deserving of being my favorite or least favorite, in my opinion
On May 25, 1803 Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in Boston Massachusetts. He is the son of Rev. William Emerson and Ruth Haskins and the brother of six other siblings. Emerson was raised by both of his parents until his father tragically died of stomach cancer on May 12, 1811 before young Ralph could even have his eighth birthday. Afterwards, he was raised by his mother and the other women in his family. The very young and intellectual Emerson had abundance of opportunities for schooling in New England until his family decided on Boston Latin School in 1812 for basic school studies. Now as an adolescent Emerson is sent for post secondary school at Harvard College in October 1817 at age fourteen .
The charismatic leadership style depend on the attraction and persuasion of the leader. Charismatic leaders are driven by their beliefs and promise to their cause. In this theory of Charismatic leadership, they say that charismatic leaders act in a different way they have a special charismatic effect on their followers. They are dominant, having a strong way to influence other people to be self- confident, and have a strong sense of one’s own moral values.
From the time that modern humans have encompassed the Earth, they have looked to some form of a higher being to obtain unknown answers about the vast and complicated realm surrounding them. Throughout history, religious depictions of such higher power are found in movies, music, dances, and perhaps most intricately- in poetry. Samuel Taylor Coleridge grew up in a religious family, including his father, who was an Anglican Vicar. Coleridge, however, deemed himself to be a Unitarian- a Christian who believes that God is not three separate entities, but instead, one single unit. Although in modern times, the difference is mere, and often looked over, Samuel Taylor Coleridge could have considered a rebellion of religion in the late 18th century.