Officer Baggio spoke with Witness David Enrique Heman Alberto, who told her the following information in summary: Heman was advised by other employees that Osoria appeared to be intoxicated while inside of the location. Heman contacted Osoria and escorted him out of the location without further incident.
At 5am Officer Singh called SA Lyn Brumaire who was on duty at Coral Tower because Jordan Horvat was worried a resident of 902, Stephanie Lee, was missing. Upon keying into the room with PSO Tabiri, the resident in questions, Stephanie Lee was found to be missing from her apt. Officer Tabiri then decided to take a statement from SA and resident Macayla Caso. Ms. Horvat was also not present in the room. Ms. Caso was under the assumption that Ms. Horvat had gone home since she was packing earlier in the day and the sheets were stripped off her bed.
Larraga then started conversing with Mr. Seeget and Larraga could smell alcohol and it appeared Mr. Seeget was intoxicated. During this time Larraga did not see Hamilton in the work area and Larraga did not call for Hamilton to respond for the investigation. While Mr. Seeget was seated in the chair and waiting for Hamilton to arrive, Corporal Jesus Garcia did not have any interaction with Mr. Seeget. Larraga believes that a supervisor called Hamilton to assist because Hamilton arrived approximately five to ten minutes later.
He was brought in by his friend Gavriel Martinez. At 2338 hours Orange County Sheriff's Deputies Kenneth Jorgensen (Badge# 8180) and Deputy Michael Fairley (Badge# 6210) arrived and interviewed the GSW patient, both deputies were already on site for an unrelated event. Security Manager Richard King was informed by text of the incident at 2340 hours as well as Nursing Supervisor Debra Reilly. At 2350 hours OCSO Deputy Kristine Helms (Badge# 5021) arrived and requested to speak to the patient’s friends who was waiting in the E.D. lobby. At 0010 hours Deputy Michael Fairley contacted SO Alonso and advised that it was OK to open the Emergency Department. The lockdown was lifted and Security Manager and Nurse Supervisor were informed of the incident. The patient, Lopez was airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) at 0030 hours at which time OCOS Deputy Kristine Helms informed me that the Gang Unit task force has been called for further investigation. All cleared, OCOSO report number 16-43967. Nothing further at this
Aguiar stated that Flores arrived just before he did to the call and that their initial contact with each other was ok. They both walked up to the location together searching for the entrance to the location. Once inside the location Aguiar stated that Flores seemed agitated not at him but at the people in the residence, perhaps because she was trying to deal with subjects who were intoxicated. Corporal Aguiar told me that the main reason he believed that Officer Flores had handcuffed Witness Vasquez, was to arrest her for 647(f) Public Intoxication. He believes this with 100 percent certainty because she had told him that she was going to arrest Witness Vasquez for 647(f) and that if she denied making that statement it would be a lie. Aguiar recalls with 100 percent certainty that Flores told that him, she was going to do this to avoid having to respond to the location again. He saw Flores double lock the handcuffs and began walking towards the rear exit of the location. Witness Vasquez kept saying “Por Que Por Que” in
APO arrived on scene and made contact with Leslie TAPIA who was in her bedroom (3rd floor). They conducted a urine test with Leslie TAPIA which did not reveal any immediate drug violations. They spoke with their boss and said if we (the police) were alright with it they would let Leslie TAPIA remain at the home. I advised that was fine. They informed Leslie TAPIA to go to bed and that she should not be drinking as it is a violation of her parole. She said "I know, I fucked up." APO informed Leslie TAPIA before they left if she continues to act disorderly she would be taken to the County Prison for violating her
The information obtained from the interview was different from the information stated on the written document obtained from the HCSS. Also, both Ileana and HCSS claimed that the staffs at the doctor’s office were a witness to the incident. SC called doctor’s office, they confirmed that they saw Ileana and HCSS; however they denied witnessing the situation at the office.
Officer Randal David Simmons was born on July 22, 1956 in San Bernardino, CA at Norton Air Force Bade Hospital. His parents name are Matthew and Constance Simmons. After graduating from Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, he received a football scholarship. He attended Washington State University in Pullman, Washington where he earned bachelors of Arts in Sociology. He played college football and hoping he could play professionally. After attending training camp with the Dallas cowboys, he played a few pre-season games. He sustained an injury during the pre-season and that’s when he decided to pursue a career in law enforcement.
Edie’s father, Sergeant Eduardo Salazar was a member from the Sacramento Police Department. He was on neighborhood watch that early afternoon in an unmarked vehicle, when a bank robbery was broadcasted over the police radio. Sgt. Salazar responded to the call and proceeds to the location nearby as quickly as possible.
Chief, McDuffie Cummings Jr is the Director of Police and Public Safety at UNC Pembroke McDuffie has worked with the UNCP Police Department for about 25 years. Chief McDuffie first started working for the UNCP police in 1992 and worked his way through the ranks to his current position as chief of police. Chief McDuffie has been the Chief of police at UNCP for approximately 9 years.
Brian stated he wanted the HCSO aware of this incident. No further action taken at this time.
Going After Cacciato, an epic novel written by Tim O’Brien, is about a platoon of men going away without leave (AWOL) searching for a young man named Cacciato in the imagination of a man of the platoon named Paul Berlin. In Going After Cacciato the “tea party,” between the AWOL platoon and Li Van Hgoc contributes greatly to the novel by adding to the confusion and teaching the reader how to deal with the war and the ’noise.’
What is it about a book that keeps one reading? One continues to read a book when it is interesting and if they can make a connection to it. But, what makes a book interesting? There are many ways authors attract their readers. Authors use different techniques like, circle chronological order style, evoking strong emotions, and creating complex characters to shock and lure their readers.
The purpose of a performance appraisal is to be used to improve employee performance. It should be used as a guide for recognizing outstanding behavior that is in line with departmental policies and work objectives, but should also be used as a tool for feedback to improve observed employee deficiencies. Performance appraisals should never be a surprise when it is presented to the employee. It is important for subordinates to understand what they are being evaluated on and what it takes to be successful.
Sometimes the cleverest of men get outwitted. A fisherman, accused of smuggling, almost escaping his death sentence, but his interrogator catches a mistake. The hunter encounters the most dangerous fight of his life. They both are confident, and that may be their weakness. Tasso in, “The Smuggler,” by Victor Canning, is very similar to Zaroff in, “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell.