
Oetiz Tribe

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Consumed with envy and greed a clan member shot his own in order to finalize a better position in the clan. The data indicates that Oetzi was murdered by another clan member. The three main evidences is that both the killer and Oetiz have traveled through the same path, the fact that Oetiz had food in his stomach, and Oetiz’s village was more of a hunting community just beginning to incorporate agricultural foods into their daily lifestyles, Considering the fact that Oetiz had traveled on the same path of the killer, means that they were most likely in the same clan. This could mean that they were traveling together for some tribe business up the mountain. The feeling confident that they were in a safe place away from the tribe the killer took a chance to hurt the Ice man. Caught off the Ice man fought back hiding and making his way down the mountain with multiple injuries. Then this is a point where Oetiz could have run into another tribe protecting their land, naturally the Iceman made the most logical decision to travel buck uphill for better chance of survival. …show more content…

both the tribe and his clan member (the killer) were nowhere to be seen. According to specialist Edgar working on this case he states “My only hypothesis” he tells me later, “is that for whatever reason, Oetzi thought he would be safer in the mountain than in the valley.” This “fake” sense of security allowed Oetzi to let his guard down . Based on the food recovered from Oetzi’s body was a large meal meaning he rested for a while to eat this great meal. In doing this Oetzi leaves himself in a vulnerable position, along with the pure harsh weather, no allies, and fatigue from previous travel it left Oetzi in a very bad

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