
Odysseus As An Epic Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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Most people’s favorite Marvel hero is Spider-Man. To people spiderman is brave, He takes on hard battles and fights crime. But everyone always thinks about today's heroes, What about the Heroes that aren't alive anymore? Do you ever think about them? Odysseus was a brave hero in 1200 BC. Odysseus took a journey due to the Trojan war and fought numerous people and monsters to stay alive. Odysseus went through hard times and battles just as Spider-Man does. Odysseus loses many crew members on his journey back home. In Homers Odyssey, Odysseus proves to be an epic hero due to his bravery, knowledge, dedication. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus proves to be an epic hero due to his bravery. In the story, Odysseus goes on a journey due to the Trojan war and is making his way back home. Even though it took 17 years for Odysseus to get back home, him being the brave hero he is, he got home safe. Odysseus states ”Nine days I drifted on the teeming sea before dangerous high winds” (Beers and Odell 758). …show more content…

Odysseus uses his knowledge in numerous ways. Odysseus makes his was home by using quick thinking in bad situations and he makes his way home safe. Odysseus using his knowledge by knowing what to say and what not to say. “Cyclops, you ask my honorable name? Remember the gift you promised me, and I shall tell you, my name is Nohbdy: Mother, father and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy” (Beers and Odell 765). Odysseus is clever by telling Cyclops that his name is Nohbdy because when Odysseus blinds Cyclops, the cyclops is saying Nohbdy is hurting me. When Cyclops cries out about Odysseus hurting him he calls him Nohbdy so everyone thinks Cyclops is fine. To further more prove that Odysseus uses his knowledge, Daniel B. Levine states that “He survives the anger of the Gods Aeolus, Helios, Poseidon In disguise, he avoids premature detection by his servants, the suitors, and his own wife”

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