The more general research question under review is about obesity. My researchable question is the effects of obesity on health, what health concerns can happen due to obesity. It can be easily found and discussed the potential dangers of obesity. People should care more about this topic because people need to care about their health. Obesity is lowering our expected years to live which it should be doing the opposite because of all the healthcare and medicine we have now. It is prevalent in the younger population which is different than it has been in the past. This is a problem that could potentially affect anyone or anyone you know, that is why people should care about this topic, it is a problem. My selected article is relevant to my research …show more content…
This is a popular topic among celebrities and people in the medical field. It is popular due to the large amount of health concerns that can arise due to obesity. The definition of obesity is to be “grossly fat or overweight.” My article focused on obesity specifically in Arizona. I wanted to understand the health risk taking when living this type of lifestyle. People should care about this topic not only because it is a huge concern but because it is shortening the average lifespan of humans. The author is addressing anyone who cares about this topic. He uses basic words it is not overly scientific and dry. It was fairly easy to understand and straightforward. I think the way the article is written is just right, even the use of bullet points makes it easier because of how it is broken up. The author discusses the problem of obesity and the health concerns that go along with it. There was no solution to this problem just a calling of attention to this …show more content…
Sex was compared as well as age groups and classes. The data and statistics found were supportive of everything the author was hoping to show those who read the paper. All the data shows the potential healthcare issue being obese can have. Searching this article online it seems to have been utilized quite a bit in other articles researching the same topic. What is missing from this article is more written words. The author has a purpose for his statistics he provides, however he makes no fight and does not try and explain these numbers. This is a huge gap with the entire paper. My research paired with this article would be perfect, if I explained the exact health concerns obesity can cause paired with the research done with these statistics it is a solid argument. Potential health concern alone do not have an impact, but when backed with actual numbers of people who have died or gone to the emergency room for the reasons I would research it would reach
Obesity does not discriminate against social status, sex, or race; it can take a person’s life and turn it upside down in the blink of an eye if they are not careful. Some people think of obesity as a worldwide killer because there is no outrunning it if it overtakes a person’s body. Every 1 in 3 adults are obese right here in America, that should give each and every individual some type of hint that there is a major problem occurring. The obesity epidemic is not something that has just caught the attention of people recently; it has been going on since the 1950’s! This epidemic is a major problem; over 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being obese or extremely overweight and over 40 million children were said to be obese in
Bjorntorp Article introduces obesity as a self inflicted condition and state that it can be easily managed. His article also states the obvious, that obesity is becoming a world wide epidemic. While he has some very good point I had to realize his article was written in 1997 A totally different stage of the rise of obesity. It was more of a joke and not many people took it serious as we do today. He also talked about the cost burden to the economy explaining the rise in cost due to increase sicknesses and disease associated with the condition. His research of cost burden hit on early retirement, which was, apiece I never thought of. The end of the article point out that a combination of exercise and dieting were the most effective path to deal
This section also addresses the health risks associated with obesity including type 2 diabetes and heart problems. Additionally, it is based on fact and is made directly from the government.
This will go after my paragraph on the causes of obesity. This article below Q, Silver. “The Beginning of Obesity: When Did the Problem Start?” CalorieBee, CalorieBee, 7 Dec. 2017, This article explains that we live in a obesogenic environment.
America's children are not getting enough exercise, and the health risks due to obesity are becoming epidemic in nature. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is supporting an initiative to help children become more active and to provide for exercise (at least 30-60 minutes per day) in all schools. Even limited amounts of exercise can have great health benefits. When humans exercise, the brain produces chemicals that help enhance mood, limit cravings for sugars, and contribute to healthier joints, muscles, the heart, and kidneys. In turn, this translates into more productive work time, the ability to sleep better, increase memory, and reduce dependence on medications. Children are so vulnerable to this health risk that if it continues, over 60% of graduating seniors will be clinically obese. Written by a medical journalist, the book is designed for the lay reader but has a number of documented scholarly sources.
Our life is something that is so precious. Every choice we make impacts our life wether it be physically or mentally. When we choose to make poor life choices, it will reflect on us as individuals. Poor choices in what we consumed or how active we are will lead to a life that can lead to an early death. Obesity is an epidemic health problem that has been one of the leading causes to death. The disease itself causes sever health conditions as well as mental health one wants to become obese, but in today’s society we have been given the perfect recipe that will land us in a fight for our life. Obesity is not something that simply happens, but a lifetime of poor choices. We must discover the source of obesity and attack the health issue from the primary leading factors. We start with the source in order to help improve the lives of people everywhere who are battling this disease, as well as those who are predisposed to a higher chance of developing it.
Obesity is an epidemic and affects millions of people in the United States every day. This health problem affects everybody, not only adults but in people of all ages even children. It is also a disease, a disease from improper nutrition that requires long term medical treatment otherwise causing many health risks leading to death. “This isn't rocket science. People want to eat healthy diets, but they tend to eat whatever's convenient and affordable.
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fats have grown and accumulated to the point of harm, and a shortened life expectancy. Obesity is a problem that has been more prominent in the 20th and 21st century and is now a main concern for both society and the government. It is the citizen’s duty to resolve this epidemic known as obesity in the United States.
When we talk about people’s health in United States, what generally pops up in mind? Many people might think of several diseases, for instance stroke and cancer, but nobody thinks about the existing disease, Obesity, which is becoming one of the leading problems in the United States. One of the definitions of Obesity is growth of redundant fat in the body. This is an everyday life disease that spreads rapid universally. Today, obesity affects people of all ages, gender, and ethnicity. As most of the Americans know that this country had an absolute history of having solutions of difficult problems, but it looks like obesity has trapped in the lifestyle of the American people. In the article, entitled, “Yes, Obesity is a Disease,” the
“Obesity is a disease that affects more than one-third of the U.S adult population (approximately 78.6 million Americans). The number of Americans with obesity had steadily increase since 1960, a trend that has slowed down in recent years but show no sign of reversing”.
James, W. P. (2008). The epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem. Journal of Internal Medicine, 336-352. Retrieved from
The definition of obesity is someone who is grossly overweight. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines obesity as: "...labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height" (Causes and Consequences 1). Almost one-third (35%) of America's population falls under the category of 'obese'. Colorado has the lowest statistics of obesity with less than 25% of its population registering as obese. This percentage in the U.S. has been rising steadily since 1986 when the obesity rate registered less than 10% nation wide. This data states that in less than thirty years, the obesity rate has exploded in North America and is still climbing. Many fear the rate might continue climbing to dangerous levels in the near future. A study conducted by the American College of Preventive Medicine (Obesity Forecasts Through 2030) reveals data predicting obesity rates to skyrocket past 50% nationwide by 2030 (Finkelstein 1). This quickly growing rate has many looking to the cause of this epidemic in an attempt to
Dickins et al (2011) start their research by revealing the significance of the topic they are investigating. They write, "In recent times, an unyielding public spotlight has shone on the causes and consequences of being obese. Much of this public gaze has developed as a result of a burgeoning set of epidemiological studies in which researchers showed rapid increases in national and international rates of obesity over the last 20 years and linked obesity to a variety of physical and psychological health conditions."
I have learned that it is important to research obesity because it addresses the different angles of health, the impact that obesity has on many cultures, how obesity has resulted in life threating disease and even death. In addition, from the research that I found on obesity, I found it to be not just a personal issue, rather it shines a light on the concept of the thin ideal, social perception and the influence on media reporting of obesity.
Obesity has moved to almost epidemic status in America. There are an increased number of people in America that are obese. The percentage of people that can be defined as obese, those that are