Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit 503
1.) Understand Diversity, Equality and Inclusions in own area of Responsibility
1.1) Explain Models of practises that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility.
The social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitudes and their surrounding environment.
Society often focuses on what a person lacks in terms of disability and focuses on condition or illness or a person’s lack of ability. Medical model of disability which views adults has having an impairment or lacking in some way
Person centred – views the person as individual and unique and places the person at the
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e role they must read and sign every year to keep updated
Weekly service users meetings- staff are encouraged to support all service users to plan and be involved in weekly service users meeting the meeting must be set out with clear goals all service uses must be given the opt unity to have input in the meeting and express themselves in a form of communication that they are familiar with and all meetings must be documented and must reflect on any completed actions from the last meeting .the meeting must contain sections on organisational changes, Home changes, changes to the staff team, health and safety, menu planning , activities planning, Personal section for service users to raise anything they would like to raise that is specific to them, any other business, and a good news section, service users forum
Quarterly staff meetings –staff are informed of any organisational information, Health and safety, changes to policy and procedures or cqc information, service users information, staff forum feedback, any other business, Good news section
Regular managers meetings-to keep the manager updated on organisational information,CQC information, look at paper work or new paper work to be implemented , staffing, HR, Training, Finance, Purchasing and supplying each meeting will include all manger from each home and area managers, operations manager, managing director, maintenance manager, finance manager, training manager, and HR manager,
Regular senior meetings – this is
There is many different types of meetings, there could be a one 2 one meeting that you have with a manager or line manager where you get feedback on what you have been doing and how you are coping with the work load you have, you could talk about changing systems in the workplaces to make it more efficient for everyone or it could about you want to leave the job you are in and you and the people within your meeting are trying to find a solution to make you feel happier within the work place. It could be to discuss any problem you are having or whether you have seen something that someone else has done and it is not making you feel very comfortable and it’s not suitable for a workplace.
Person centred values are treating people as individuals, supporting their choices, treating them with dignity and respect, working in partnership with people rather than trying to control them.
The social model of disability looks at ways to address issues to enable people to achieve their potential, by looking at ways to adapt the environment so the child can feel included this is very important. The social model has been constructed by disabled people and by listening to what disabled people want and to remove any
Meeting will all staff to evaluate the facility and to determine the progress of the office goal
This is a formal meeting where the team reviews its current performance against team objectives. You should make sure your team has the latest performance reports to prepare for the meeting
How do you ensure that the formal meetings you organise are productive and effective, not simply time-wasters?
They prefer to have a meeting schedule and a task list for each member for future meetings.
1: A management meeting for 12 section managers is due to be held on Tuesday, 24 November commencing at 9.30am and finishing at 4.00pm. The CEO of the company will attend.
These sessions covers the basic essentials such as: Attendance and Punctuality*Accepting Constructive Criticism * Work Quality Work Quantity* Supervisor Relations* Co-Worker Relations, Job Tolerance *Flexibility in Job Assignments* following Work Rules and Regulations* Appropriate Dress & Personal Hygiene* Cooperation Communication* Decision-making Skills
These meetings would be conducted routinely with a listing of the facilitator, attendees, agenda items, and meeting minutes. Three or four agenda items would include a discussion of progress towards helping the healthcare system work better for everyone, accurate claims review for commercial and HMO products.
With only limited time available to review the information before the meetings and to perform their monitoring
The modern business meeting comes in many shapes and sizes. There is the large quarterly information transmission meeting, where staff cram into the organization’s largest room to watch executives display Power Point slides. There is the regularly scheduled weekly, biweekly or monthly staff meeting. There are individual project planning meetings which are often weekly and interdepartmental and discuss the state of a particular project. While there are various types and permutations of the business meeting, all meetings aim to transfer information, discuss/make decisions and/or resolve issues.
Organize a meeting: in case of any business requirements a formal meeting should be arranged and conducted to ensure the critical business decisions are made during the meeting. It is recommended all the invited meeting participants should attend the meeting and all the decisions should be made during the meeting conduction. In addition all the inquiries and confusion should be brought up to the meeting and ensure all the discussion are transparent and thorough. After the meeting conduction detailed and accurate meeting minutes will be distributed all the participants and those absent.
The stakeholder will get a weekly company meeting, where they will be updated on the progress that has been made and any road blocks that we have encounter doing the week. All team member will have a daily meeting as need to clear up any problem or if there is any changes that need to be updated to the head office and stakeholders.
1.6 Most meetings are used to discuss, to inform, to decide, to organise or to plan. They can be used to coordinate activities, clarify objectives, and evaluate information and they are helpful in solving problems and generating new ideas. Meetings are costly so as the Chairperson it’s your responsibility to ensure that time is not wasted at such sessions through good planning.