
Nuclear Plant Epidemic: Effect Of Fukushima Radiation On Matter

Better Essays

Jung Won Lee & Josh Dill Lee 1
Professor Ritu Kansal
CHM 111

Effect of Fukushima Radiation on Matter

It is a term that mankind has come to be familiar with ever since the Great World War, but exactly what radiation does to matter, including living and nonliving, is a subject that only a few know about. The Nuclear Plant catastrophe caused by the tsunami that devastated the
Tohoku region of Japan was thought to be of a local problem but wasn't so. In this research paper, we will detail information about what radiation is and how radiation caused by
Fukushima affects matter, even to a distance across the vastness of the Pacific Ocean; or should I say - the entire Planet. "In vitro and in vivo" studies conducted …show more content…

Furthermore, the Lee 2

Radioactive particle cesium has been detected in at least 70% of the children and the common symptoms associated with radiation poisoning has been reported across the nation of Japan
(Broinowski 2013). Radiation is measured in the SI unit of Becquerel’s (Bq), and the Sievert which is a derived unit measuring ionizing radiation that effects the health of an individual. Each Bq is measured as the "activity" of a certain sum of radioactive material while their nucleus is decaying per second. It can be measured with a given mass, its molar values, and with information of its half-life; the time it takes for the radioactivity of a specific element to downsize by half of what it actually was. The Sievert on the other hand, is a measure that equals the health effect per one
Joule of radioactive energy per kilogram of a human's body tissue. Now having said that, the radioactive water from Fukushima that is being dumped …show more content…

Effects include diseases such as birth defects and many forms of cancer. Alpha particles, although they are stopped rather easily, can be ingested by the living organism; thus causing damage from the interior of the organism. Beta particles effect the DNA of the organism, and Gamma particles are viewed to be the most devastating form of radiation for a living organism. Due to their penetrating strength, Gamma particles can damage a wide depth of cells (Tissues) before they dissipate, but after already establishing much damage such as Radiation sickness (Chou & Su). The two types of particles that are of interest from Fukushima's fallout is Iodine 131 and
Cesium 137. These two particles emit both Gamma particle radiation and also Alpha particle Lee 4

radiation, as these radioactive elements were the by-product from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Emphasized by the World Nuclear Association, a singular dosage rate of a micro Sievert is enough to cause symptoms of radiation sickness and a low white blood cell count for

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