
Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 3.1

Satisfactory Essays

3.1 Developer’s part:
1. Install Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2012.
2. Design the Code for three encryption algorithms in
3. Design the Front End using Asp.Net.
4. Setting Database in Application SQL Azure Service
Configuration [Storage Section].
5. Connect the SQL Azure Database with SQL Server.
6. Host the Website on Domain.
3.2 Admin’ part:
1. Select encryption algorithm that will be used to generate keys for user’s authentication.
2. Can view all users’ database.
3.3 User’s part:
1. Registration at front end website to create user id.
2. Received public & private key of RSA, vector & key of 3DES from registered id in step1, forwarded by admin. 3. Use keys received in step2 to login as authenticated user. 4. If authentication is

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