
Cloud Computing Essay

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With the allure of pay as you go and instantly scalable resources, cloud computing companies such as Google Drive, and Microsoft Azure (Whaiduzzaman, et al., 4) offer more online services than ever before and that kind of demand drives the need for data security. The purpose of this paper is to look specifically at the innovative ways developers are trying to secure data in the cloud from unauthorized third party access. Security concerns are the highest ranking issue with any business customer (Aleem & Sprott, 16). I will explore the latest approaches being used in cloud computing beginning with Security as a Service (SecaaS) (Whaiduzzaman, et al., 4) and the real-time data encryption approach (Masood & Aslam, …show more content…

Figure 1. Concerns for Cloud Computing. This chart shows that security concerns are the most common concern for business looking to migrate data to the cloud. (Taken from Aleem & Sprott, 2013, p. 9)

With security as the main issue concerning potential business customers, cloud service providers are spending a great amount of time, effort, and money developing security services for cloud based businesses. The goal of cloud hosting companies is to provide specific requirements for service level agreements in order to cover liability issues and provide better customer service to business customers (Iovan & Iovan, 210).
As a result, business companies who have located in the cloud environment have entrusted the organizations' data security to the cloud hosting providers in a setting where resources are shared and administered with other various business customers, which places sensitive company data at risk from third party access if the data is not properly managed by the hosting company (Yesilyurt & Yalman, 1290). For a company looking to locate data in the cloud, the choices available today are seemingly endless. For this paper, I have picked two fiscally appealing cloud security alternatives to examine. The first choice, I look at is Security as a Service (SecaaS) in which a business must forgo direct control over the company’s data and enter a service level agreement with the

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