Data Analysis
For the present study, the data was collected based off of the student’s age on two different occasions, first on January 3, 2017 and the final data point was completed on March 14, 2017. The following ten data points were addressed when collecting data for 3 year old students in the classroom:
1. Could answer “wh” questions correctly with 50% accuracy.
2. Could recognize their name on 2 out of 4 days with 50% accuracy.
3. Could correctly sing the ABC’s on 2 out of 4 days with 50% accuracy.
4. Could correctly state the letters in their first name with 50% accuracy for 2 out of 4 days.
5. Could recognize a simple AB pattern with toys in centers on 2 out of 4 days.
6. Were able to find at least 3 shapes in their centers on 2
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• Data Point 3: “Could correctly state their ABCs without singing them on 3 out of 4 days for 75% accuracy”, no four year old student could successfully complete this task (0%) so 11 (100%) students were unsuccessful.
• Data Point 4: “Could independently spell their first name correctly without assistance with 75% accuracy for 3 out of 4 days” were successfully completed by 2 (18%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 9 (82%) students.
• Data Point 5: “Could build a simple AB pattern with toys in centers on 3 out of 4 days” wasn’t successfully completed by any (0%) four year old student in this research so this data point was unsuccessfully completed by 11 (100%) students.
• Data Point 6: “Were able to find at least 7 shapes in their centers on 3 out of 4 days” was successfully completed by 6 (55%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 5 (45%) of students.
• Data Point 7: “Could carry on a conversation with peers in centers with at least three exchanges on 3 out of 4 days”, was successfully completed by 7 (64%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 4 (36%)
7. One of the problems that worried Tiffaney was that Caleb seemed to be breathing too hard all the
Bellot did not have any questions and I asked to directly observe Brianna complete her homework to examine if Brianna had difficulty with the homework that she does not report to her mother. Brianna did seem to have difficulty with the Math assignment; she worked through her homework skipping problems. When Ms. Bellot noticed the incomplete questions, Brianna was asked to complete all the problems. Brianna was able to complete the questions, although she spent more time on difficulty questions compared to the items she seem to understand. Furthermore, Ms. Bellot provided me with the first week’s frequency of the number of not completed or assignment turned in on time from the Jupiter education email notification
4. One day at my aunts she was painting her nails a pinkish shell color, i learned how to paint my nails from her.
My “1 student with a score of 0” received a one because he did not pay attention during the lesson. I might have been able to help if I had stood next to him and kept him on task. I believe he knows the information because he said things during the experiment that leads me to believe he can do better. His diagram actually reflects our experiment not our lesson and that in itself is interesting. My “1 student with a score of 1” was one that asked questions. I tried to provide different examples so make it easier but in hindsight I should have SHOWN an example by providing a visual. (I will be doing this in class tomorrow)
Dan enjoyed this task as well. He loved the bingo marker. H needed some redirection because the bingo marker was a little distracting. Perhaps that is why he got questions two and three incorrect because I redirect him after sentence three. During the assessment, he showed some weakness in his behavior and, he yelled sentence three aloud while marking the dots.
" 22 percent of those students landed in the top 25 percent of their graduating class, while only about 5 percent of black students who didn't participate in the exercise did that well." --> those who were not part of the exercise, were in the "bottom 25 percent of their class."
Generally, when looking at each items vertically, most of the columns start with ones which indicates that this skill was easy for the higher ability students and finish with most of zeros which demonstrates that it was difficult for the lower ability students. In between, there is a mixture of ones and zeroes breaking down in the column. This demonstrates that the items in this task are suitable to use to analyse students’ ability. However, there is an irregular pattern of 1’s and 0’s for the item 1.2. The less able students could get this skill while the more able students could not get it. This may be because these students did not have this skill. Therefore, this item is still suitable to be used to assess the student’s abilities.
2. Both my mom and dad would teach me how to play with the toys as they did when they were young.
Five hundred sixty five students ranging from grade 7 to grade 11 took part in this study. All students enrolled in an
However, we must perform some analysis on this data to confirm that the results for our class really are significantly different from the average. To do this, we performed a chi-square analysis on our data. Our chi-square value is 14.733, and the degrees of freedom are 6. The resulting p-value falls between 0.05 and 0.02. Therefore, we conclude that the data from our class indeed does not fit the average.
The researcher will come earlier to set up the tables and chairs. Pencils and pens will be placed beside each pretest and will be available to the participants. The children and childcare will be placed in room 6F in the pinnacle with coloring books, crayons, legos and board games. The pretest will be face down on the table. The board games and card games are given to older children. The coloring books, crayons and legos are given to younger
students. A total of 276 students between the ages of six and 11 years (M = 8.53, SD = 1.62)
A total of 74 students participated in our study. All of the students attended Lasell College, their ages range from 18-25, male and female. The study took no longer than 10 minutes.
Each took three tests at different times. The first time, all participants took the first multiplication timed test for 45 seconds. The second time, all participants took the second multiplication timed test while listening to a light song (“Fly” by Maddie and Tae) for 45 seconds. The final time they took the test was when they listened to a loud song (“The Final Countdown” by Joey Tempest) for 45 seconds. St.1 scored in accuracy for the first test is 86.7%, on the second test they scored 90.5%, and on the third test they scored 91.7%. St. 2 in accuracy for the first test is 97.4%, on the second test they scored 100%, and on the last test they scored 97.5%. St.3 scored in accuracy for the first test is 98%, on the second test they scored 82.5%, and on the third test they scored 60.5%. St.4 scored in accuracy for the first test is 96.7%, on the second test they scored 100%, and on the last test they scored 90%. St.5 scored in accuracy for the first test is 97.8%, on the second test they scored 95.6%, and on the third test they scored a 93.6%. So the overall average that helped the participants as a group to increase their accuracy was by listening to no music. St.1 scored in completeness for the first test they scored 15%, on the second test they scored 12.4%, and on the third test they scored 13.1%. St.2 scored in completeness for the first test they scored 25%, on the second test they scored 32.2%, and on the final test they
These results from section 1 showed students expressed least understanding in the following areas :