
Nt1310 Unit 3 Data Analysis Sample

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Data Analysis
For the present study, the data was collected based off of the student’s age on two different occasions, first on January 3, 2017 and the final data point was completed on March 14, 2017. The following ten data points were addressed when collecting data for 3 year old students in the classroom:
1. Could answer “wh” questions correctly with 50% accuracy.
2. Could recognize their name on 2 out of 4 days with 50% accuracy.
3. Could correctly sing the ABC’s on 2 out of 4 days with 50% accuracy.
4. Could correctly state the letters in their first name with 50% accuracy for 2 out of 4 days.
5. Could recognize a simple AB pattern with toys in centers on 2 out of 4 days.
6. Were able to find at least 3 shapes in their centers on 2 …show more content…

• Data Point 3: “Could correctly state their ABCs without singing them on 3 out of 4 days for 75% accuracy”, no four year old student could successfully complete this task (0%) so 11 (100%) students were unsuccessful.
• Data Point 4: “Could independently spell their first name correctly without assistance with 75% accuracy for 3 out of 4 days” were successfully completed by 2 (18%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 9 (82%) students.
• Data Point 5: “Could build a simple AB pattern with toys in centers on 3 out of 4 days” wasn’t successfully completed by any (0%) four year old student in this research so this data point was unsuccessfully completed by 11 (100%) students.
• Data Point 6: “Were able to find at least 7 shapes in their centers on 3 out of 4 days” was successfully completed by 6 (55%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 5 (45%) of students.
• Data Point 7: “Could carry on a conversation with peers in centers with at least three exchanges on 3 out of 4 days”, was successfully completed by 7 (64%) students and unsuccessfully completed by 4 (36%)

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