
Nt1310 Unit 2 Quiz

Satisfactory Essays

1. I have a nick knack ceramic statue of a woman in a wide hoop skirt dress (probably from 18th century fashions) who is Caucasian. 2. I have Mass cards on my bulletin board depicting saints and Jesus as Caucasians. 3. Angels are also usually portrayed as Caucasian; I have many in and around my house and vehicle. 4. Packaging for many products especially health and beauty aids use a Caucasian model on the label. 5. I have several pairs of stockings in the shade “nude” which is very close to Caucasian skin tone. 6. Mr. Clean is a bald Caucasian man. 7. The person with the pearly white teeth on my toothpaste packing is Caucasian. 8. My BJ’s wholesale coupon book shows only Caucasian people. 9. Baby oil used to remove makeup has a Caucasian

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