
Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1 Study Guide

Satisfactory Essays

In respect with reading and writing, the ILI is definitely beyond rote memorization and recall, as the syllabus highlights the role of learners in summarizing the reading texts and making an oral production of the text the following session. And while doing the writing activities learners are supposed to do hypothesis testing, paragraph development and organization. The book leads learners to effective paragraph writing indeed. Regarding the higher order thinking skills only the writing in the ILI is demanding, which is done as homework assignment. In contrast with the ILI, New Headway advanced is thoroughly thought provoking oriented and challenges different synthetic and analytic strategies to do the tasks inside the classroom. Most of …show more content…

Does the program have listening activities in the pupil’s edition? (1 pt.) 1 1
2. Does the program have a video that is integrated with the text? (1 pt.) 1 1
3. Does the program have a CD-ROM that provides meaningful and interactive practice? (1 pt.) 0 …show more content…

An experienced teacher and a novice teacher may find their ways best while teaching these two books for the significant well organized materials. Scantrons are available to be applied on the exams, yet there are not multiple forms of exams, and portfolios. In neither of the assessments all four skills are included. Mostly formative assessment is applied throughout the course which enables the teachers help the learners identify their strengths and weaknesses specifically on speaking and writing. Summative assessment is applied for reading and listening on the final exam accompanied with some sections regarding vocabulary and grammar. The conspicuous contrast in this section is where Headway is highly adaptable to fit various teaching situations, while the ILI follows strict linear methodology which the book is also provided in line with the underlying

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