
North Of Normal By Cea Sunrise Person: An Analysis

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Children are very fragile beings, their minds soak up all the information around them. Being easily impressionable, it's a very easy for their future to be developed negatively. Therefore, we take care of them throughout their adolescence in order help them develop. Once we take away that veil of security by subjecting children to sexual abuse and parental neglect. It affects the child in the long term. In “North of Normal”, Cea Sunrise Person clearly demonstrates how parental neglect and adolescent sexual abuse makes her into an emotionally inept adult.

After a succession of multiple failed sexual relationships, Michelle encounters Barry, a man who uses his wealth to influence Michelle and Cea. Michelle does whatever her boyfriend wants in fear breaking up and her not being pleasured. Barry exploits Michelle’s attachment along with Cea’s youth and innocence by sexually abusing her: …show more content…

All it took was a few strokes, and it was over. The next day, I found her on my pillow when I came home from school: silky blonde hair, strawberry red lips and chopstick legs, all wrapped up in a gauzy pink dress. Barbie (Person 261).

This is common in child sexual abuse as ”Such manipulation can include the process of "grooming" a child—giving gifts, affection, and other treats to a child to create a natural pathway to eventual sexual contact” (Minetor). This goes against the innocence of a child, as it teaches them at a young age, consequently embedding within them a connection with prostitution of oneself in order to get gifts and physical

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