
Nordox And Mancozeb Preliminary Test

Satisfactory Essays

Before the final experiment, preliminary test was done to determine whether the recommended rate for the positive control (Nordox) and Farmer’s practice (Mancozeb) which is 25 g/16 L or 0.156% could inhibit or stop the growth of A. niger. To prepare 0.156% of Nordox and Mancozeb, 0.078 g of both fungicides were dissolved in two separate flasks containing 50 ml sterilized distilled water. The 50 ml mixture was used to dissolve 1.95 g PDA. These were then poured and divided into three plates to serve as replicates. The plates were incubated for 5 days at 28-30˚C in an incubation cabinet. However, it is found out that the recommended rate for both fungicides did not inhibit or stop the growth of the pathogen (see Appendix D, page 63). From these

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